If you have always wanted to work in the finance, taxation, banking, or related industries, then our Accounting Career Studies Certificate is an excellent way to get started down that path. The program will prepare students with an accounting background to qualify for entry-level employment.
Students will certainly take a number of accounting-focused classes within the curricula, but they will also be exposed to other kinds of classes, including giving them a look at some of the technology that is used in the industry. Classes like ITE 115 – Introduction to Computer Applications and Concepts or ITE 152 – Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications can be selected as part of the students’ academic journey.
Virginia Residents | Out of State Rate | |
$169.60 per credit hour | $384.20 per credit hour |
Educational or Occupational Objectives: This Career Studies Certificate is a great way to update skills. The curriculum offers courses that will prepare students for several industry certification exams. With only 24 credit hours required, students can reach their goal in minimal time.
Program or Graduation Requirements: Students who receive a grade lower than “C” in any prerequisite accounting course will be required to repeat the course and earn a grade of “C” or higher.
Tuition Assistance: Yes
Financial Aid: Yes
Online Program