Health Science

Health Science

The purpose of the Associate of Science in Health Science program offers a community college pathway for students planning to pursue health careers that require a bachelor’s or higher degree. It is designed to match the first two years of most Bachelor of Health Science programs, allowing students to complete the necessary courses at a lower cost before transferring to a four-year college or university.


Virginia Residents Out of State Rate
$169.60 per credit hour $384.20 per credit hour

This program gives students a chance to complete coursework that can transfer to bachelor’s degree programs in high-demand health science fields. The curriculum includes core classes focused on wellness and scientific study, with three track options: public health, exercise science, and pre-professional health professions. It also includes general education courses needed for transfer to a four-year school. Students planning to transfer should meet with an Academic Advisor early to understand their target school’s requirements.

Classes in this program may include some of the following: CHM 111 – General Chemistry I, PHY 201 – General College Physics I, HLT 228 – Introduction to Public Health,  and many others. Students will need to complete between 62 and 65 credits in order to complete the program.

Students enrolled in this two-year transfer program may also be eligible for Passport Courses or Uniform Certificate of General Studies consideration. Meet with your advisor for details.


Credential: Associate of Science
Academic Division Public Safety, Allied Health and Human Services
Credit/Non-Credit: Credit
Type: Transfer Program

Online Program