
Local College Board Minutes for Wed., August 21, 2024

Local Community College Board
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Virginia Peninsula Community College
4601 Opportunity Way | Williamsburg, VA 23188
Library, Room 100M
5:30 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. and Dr. Vince Warren welcomed everyone to the board meeting.

Roll Call 5:31 pm

Present: Ms. Laura Abel, Ms. Izabela Cieszynski (Virtual-medical), Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Joseph Fuentes (Virtual), Dr. Joyce Jarrett (Virtual-medical), Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Mr. R.C. Miller, Dr. Vince Warren.

Absent: Ms. Mary Bunting; Mr. Stephen Ferguson; Ms. Tijuana Gholson; Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Donna Woods.

Staff and Guests: Ms. Michelle Alexander (Academic Affairs), Ms. Tracy Ashley (Institutional Effectiveness and Transformation), Mr. J.J. Bonavita ( Institutional Effectiveness & Transformation) Dr. Porter Brannon (Office of the President), Mr. Steven Carpenter (Finance & Administration), Ms. Daniela Cigularova (Enrollment Management & Student Success), Mr. Tim Crittenden (Finance & Administration) Ms. Nicole Currier (Academic Affairs), Mr. Todd Estes (Workforce Development), Dr. Joseph Fairchild (Academic Affairs), Mr. Steven Felker (Institutional Effectiveness & Transformation), Mr. Michael Filsinger (Faculty Senate), Ms. LaRhonda Jefferson Horton (Enrollment Management & Student Success), Mr. Paul Long (Campus Police), Ms. Barbara Mason (Office of the President), Mr. John Mason (Finance & Administration), Ms. Geraldine Mathey (CSSA), Mr. Eric Pesola (Institutional Advancement & Transformation), Dr. Kerry Ragno (Academic Affairs), Interim Chief Kathy Shannon (Campus Police), Dr. Scott Stauble (Academic Affairs), Ms. Terri Thompson (State Board for Community Colleges, Chair), Mr. Keith Utsey (SGA), Mr. Mark Vernon (Finance and Administration)

A. Approval of Minutes for May 15, 2024

A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Allen Melton and seconded by Mr. Ed Durham. The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approved the minutes from the May 15, 2024, Board Meeting [No. 462], as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the May 15, 2024, minutes. Ms. Laura Abel, Ms. Izabela Cieszynski (Virtual-medical), Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Joseph Fuentes (Virtual), Dr. Joyce Jarrett (Virtual-medical), Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Mr. R.C. Miller, Dr. Vince Warren.


A. Public Comments

No public comment.

B. Introduction of New Board Members

Dr. Vince Warren, Board Chair introduced Ms. Laura Abel representing York County and Mr. R.C. Miller representing the City of Newport News. Both Ms. Abel and Mr. Miller provided a brief overview of their backgrounds and desire to serve the board.

C. Introduction of State Board Chair

Dr. Vince Warren, Board Chair introduced and welcomed Ms. Terri Thompson, VCCS State Board Chair. Dr. Warren shared a brief bio on Ms. Thompson who began serving as chair in July of 2024.

D. Update of College Board Committee

Dr. Vince Warren provided the background on the recommendation to combine the Budget and Finance Committee and Facilities Committee into one committee referring to it as the Finance and Facilities Committee. The board has had four committees, and Dr. Warren provided a brief history of them. The challenge presented by having four committees is that it is often difficult to have a quorum. Combining the Budget and Finance with the Facilities Committee will allow for better alignment as both areas pertain to money. Dr. Warren recommended that the full board consider merging these two committees together.

Mr. Melton inquired about how the other community colleges handle the two committees. Dr. Warren shared combining the committees aligns with what other community colleges do.

On behalf of the Virginia Peninsula Community College Board, Dr. Vince Warren recommended the board approve revising the College Board Policy Manual to combine the Budget and Finance Committee and Facilities Committee into one committee referred to as the “Finance and Facilities Committee.” A motion was made by Ms. Laura Abel and seconded by Dr. Joyce Jarrett.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved revising the College Board Policy Manual to combine the Budget and Finance Committee and Facilities Committee into one committee referred to as the “Finance and Facilities Committee: Ms. Laura Abel, Ms. Izabela Cieszynski (Virtual-medical), Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Joseph Fuentes (Virtual), Dr. Joyce Jarrett (Virtual-medical), Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Mr. R.C. Miller, Dr. Vince Warren.

Dr. Warren will send out the committee assignments to the full board.

E. Report from the College Board Liaison to the VPCC Educational Foundation Board of Directors

Ms. Tijuana Gholson was unable to attend this evening’s meeting, and Mr. Felker and Ms. Ashley shared a brief overview of the feasibility study along with preliminary results that were reviewed at the joint board retreat held in July. The preliminary findings show good support from our community to include support of the College, and Workforce Development. Both Mr. Felker and Ms. Ashley are encouraged by the preliminary results. The interviews from the feasibility study are wrapping up and we are anticipating a final report in September. The report will include additional information as well as recommendations on our fund-raising campaign. Follow-up information will be shared and discussed in the future. The Foundation Board is scheduled to meet on September 11, 2024.

2. Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services Committee

No Report

3. Budget and Finance Committee

A. Receipt of the FY 2024 Local and State Funds Year-End Update

Mr. Stephen Carpenter provided an overview of the FY 2024 Local and State Funds Year-End Update. The yearend report is not complete and final numbers will be available in September. The year ended with a 1.8 million surplus; this is the fifth year in a row with a surplus. Mr. Carpenter reviewed the local summary and will provide a more detailed report in October.

Dr. Warren asked for clarification on the funding for the facilities that will be demolished. Mr. Carpenter shared that these will be funded by the state and that the project is overwhelmingly funded by the state.

On behalf of the Virginia Peninsula Community College Board, Dr. Vince Warren recommended the board acknowledge receipt of the FY 2024 Local and State Funds Year-End Update. A motion was made by Mr. Ed. Durham and seconded by Mr. Allan Melton.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledge the overview of the FY 2024 Local and State Funds Year-End Update as presented: Ms. Laura Abel, Ms. Izabela Cieszynski (Virtual-medical), Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Joseph Fuentes (Virtual), Dr. Joyce Jarrett (Virtual-medical), Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Mr. R.C. Miller, Dr. Vince Warren.

4. Presidents Report

A. Discussion: Written President’s Report to the College Board

Dr. Brannon shared an abbreviated summary of the August report. The report allows us to share updates and information to the College Board and provides an opportunity for the Board to ask questions. The August report does not include the enrollment thermometer graph; however, the data is there. The graph will be included in the October report.

Mr. Durham inquired if the College was having turmoil with FAFSA and our fall enrollment. Dr. Brannon shared that we are not seeing this at our college; however, it is more prominent at the four-year universities. Dr. Brannon shared that we would like to see more of our students apply for FAFSA and believes we have students who are eligible for Pell grants but are not applying for them.

B. Student Conduct Addendum

Dr. Brannon provided the following update regarding the Student Code of Conduct. The Local College Board is responsible for approving and reviewing the Code of Conduct annually if there are any changes. The system office is working on a uniform VCCS Student Code of Conduct. The College Board did not approve the Code of Conduct last year as we were waiting for guidance from the system office. We will continue with our current Code of Conduct (COC) until there is a system-wide COC in place.

We are expecting an addendum related to Freedom of Speech. During the past academic year there was political unrest at many colleges, and this is a concern of the Governor’s office. During 2022 the College reviewed its current policies on Freedom of Speech. We will receive guidance from the office of the attorney general about what our policy on Freedom of Speech should say and this will be considered as an addendum to our current Code of Conduct. The updated policy addendum will be focused on encampments and protests. Once this is received the addendum will be included in our COC.

The Code of Conduct will be presented to the Board for approval; however, the addendum is not required to be approved by the board. When the addendum is received, we will share it.

C. President’s Evaluation

Chancellor Doré charged Dr. Brannon to work on developing a uniform president’s evaluation for all 23 colleges. Historically within the VCCS the 23 colleges were using differing evaluation tools. Dr. Brannon sought guidance from Mr. Joseph Fuentes who was able to provide additional resources to Dr. Brannon. A new process was approved in early August of this year. There are new additions to the process that will involve the board. There will be a survey of approximately 10 questions that the Chancellor will be asking board members to complete. In addition, a dashboard for each president will be created that will reflect their individual goals. The dashboard will reflect progress on the goals made for the year and the Chancellor will begin meeting with the presidents on a quarterly basis. The dashboards are in the process of being developed and this process will be a step toward being a unified system. Every board member will also be required to provide qualitative data based on the answers to the questions in the survey.

D. Receipt of College Goals and Expected Outcomes for Current Year

In the August President’s report, the annual college goals and expected outcomes are included on page six. There are six goals for the academic year 2025 and these align with the VCCS’s strategic plan.

Mr. Melton inquired about how the board would receive progress updates on the goals. Dr. Brannon shared that the dashboards will be available for the board members to view (web-based). The Chancellor will meet with the president quarterly and this information will be available on the dashboard. Dr. Brannon herself will also provide feedback as well as the dashboard may not have the most current information based on the meeting sequence.

E. SACSCOC: What the Board can Anticipate.

Mr. Stephen Felker shared what the board can anticipate regarding SACSCOC reaffirmation of accreditation. Mr. Felker provided an overview of what accreditation is all about and emphasized it is a health check and exemplifies that we are ready to serve our students. The reaffirmation of accreditation is critically important and encompasses all parts of the college, not just academics. Accreditation is an ongoing process, and we are responsible for being in compliance at all times. It is a peer review process and is a positive process.

There are 73 principles of accreditation; however, the College was approved for a differentiated review, and we will only be reviewed on 39 of the 73 principles. These principles are currently being worked on by our SACSCOC Reaffirmation team.

Mr. Felker provided the timeline of events for 2024-2025. There will be a SACSCOC Advisory Visit in January of 2025, and the onsite peer review visit will be October 27 – 30, 2025.

Mr. Felker shared the specific board-related standards and what will be required by the board. The board policy manual will be reviewed, and the board may be called on to assist.

There is a requirement to have board members available to meet when the on-site peer review committee is on campus October 27-30, 2025. We will provide regular updates throughout the year to the board.

Dr. Jarrett shared that the information provided by Mr. Felker was very helpful.

Mr. Melton inquired if Mr. Felker had served as a visiting peer reviewer. Mr. Felker shared that he has and that Ada Badgley will participate in a visit this fall and many of our teams members have previously served in these roles.



6. New business


Dr. Warren addressed the board attendees and thanked them for their passion and commitment to our students and all they do for the college. Dr. Warren also thanked the board for their commitment as well and expressed that touching student lives is important and he is looking forward to the year ahead.

7. Adjournemt

The meeting was adjourned at 6:51p.m.

Next College Board Meeting: 5:30p.m. on

October 16, 2024

Hampton Campus – Hampton IV Building Room 4226

521 Butler Farm Road

Hampton, VA 23666


General Local College Board meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.