
Local College Board Minutes for Wed., May 15, 2024

Local Community College Board
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Virginia Peninsula Community College
521 Butler Farm Road | Hampton VA 23666
Hampton IV, Room 4226
5:30 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.

Roll Call 5:31 pm

Present: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

Absent: Ms. Mary Bunting, Dr. Linda Reviea

Staff and Guests: Ms. Ada Badgley (Office of the President), Mr. J.J. Bonavita ( Institutional Advancement & Transformation) Dr. Porter Brannon (Office of the President), Mr. Steven Carpenter (Finance & Administration), Daniela Cigularova (Enrollment Management & Student Success), Mr. Tim Crittenden (Finance & Administration) Ms. Nicole Currier (Academic Affairs), Mr. Todd Estes (Workforce Development), Dr. Joseph Fairchild (Academic Affairs), Mr. Steven Felker (Institutional Advancement & Transformation), Mr. Michael Filsinger (Faculty Senate), Mr. Paul Long (Campus Police), Ms. Barbara Mason (Office of the President), Mr. John Mason (Finance & Administration) Mr. Chris Moore (Enrollment Management & Student Success), Ms. Elizabeth Rizzatto (CSSA), Interim Chief Kathy Shannon (Campus Police), Dr. Scott Stauble (Academic Affairs), Ms. Tiyé Smith (SGA), Mr. Keith Utsey (SGA) Mr. Mark Vernon (Finance and Administration)

A. Approval of Minutes for April 17, 2024

A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Allen Melton and seconded by Dr. Vince Warren. The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approved the minutes from the April 17, 2024, Board Meeting [No. 461], as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the April 17, 2024, minutes. Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods


A. Public Comments

One public notice was received and was read by Ms. Barbara Mason, Recorder.

B. Report from the College Board Liaison to the Virginia Peninsula Educational Foundation Board of Directors.

Ms. Gholson reported that the Virginia Peninsula Educational Foundation Board of Directors has not met. Ms. Gholson encouraged board members to donate to the foundation. Ms. Gholson reminded everyone to mark their calendars for the joint board meeting scheduled for July 17, 2024, at the Hampton Campus.

Dr. Jarrett thanked everyone for their expressions of condolences during the loss of her husband.

3. Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services Committee

A.  Review of April 10, 2024, Minutes

On behalf of the Curriculum Instruction and Student Services Committee, Dr. Jonathan Romero made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from April 10, 2024, as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the April 10, 2024, minutes: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

B.  Program Discontinuance: AAS Electronics Technology (981)

Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Joseph Fairchild provided an explanation for the discontinuance of the AAS Electronics Technology which was the result of a name change to the program.

On behalf of the Curriculum Instruction and Student Servies Committee, Dr. Jonathan Romero made a motion for the board to approve the program discontinuance AAS Electronics Technology (981) (CSC), as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the name changes, as presented: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

4. Budget and Finance Committee

A. Review April 17, 2024, Minutes

The review and approval of the April 17, 2024, Budget and Finance Committee Meeting minutes was tabled to the August 21, 2024, meeting.

B. Review of FY 2024 Local Funds 3rd Quarter Statement

Mr. Tim Crittenden provided an overview of the FY 2024 Local Funds 3rd Quarter Statement. Mr. Crittenden reviewed all the funds and their respective balances.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledge the overview of the FY 2024 Local Funds 3rd Quarter Statement as presented: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

C. Approve Recommended FY 2025 Local Funds Budget

Mr. Carpenter provided an overview of the FY 2025 Local Funds Budget and highlighted the following areas.

The athletics fund has had a change and Mr. Carpenter explained that athletics cannot be paid for using state funds and a better method for accounting was needed. The foundation has been providing $200,000 annually and the accounting process was cumbersome to move the funds as the athletic programs continued to grow. Mr. Carpenter shared a flowchart and provided an explanation of the new accounting process.

Members of the board expressed concerns that the foundation would have oversight of the athletics program along with handling all the purchases for athletics. Dr. Brannon shared that she as the College President would have sole responsibility of the athletic department. Dr. Brannon reminded members of the board that they have oversight of her but not the operations of the College; she has oversight of the operations of the College and is entrusted to do so. The Foundation would provide funding but would not run or operate any aspect of the athletics program or department. Additionally, there is a process for all procurement and the foundation would follow those guidelines for all purchases.

Board members inquired about funding after the three years that the foundation committed to. The College is engaged in a plan for fund raising and is confident that we can sustain the athletic programs through fund raising moving forward.

On behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee, Mr. Joseph Fuentes recommended that the Board approve the FY 2025 Local Funds Budget, as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members approved the FY 2025 Local Funds Budget, as presented: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

D. Approve Standard Operating Procedure of the Budget and Finance Committee

Mr. Joseph Fuentes recommended the board approve the final draft of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the Budget and Finance Committee and shared that this document will be reviewed and updated annually. Mr. Fuentes thanked Dr. Linda Reviea for her contributions to the SOP.

On behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee, Mr. Joseph Fuentes recommended that the Board approve the Standard Operating Procedure of the Budget and Finance Committee., as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledged the Standard Operating Procedure of the Budget and Finance Committee, as presented: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Board Chair signed the approved Standard Operating Procedure of the Budget and Finance Committee.


A. Review of April 17, 2024, Minutes

On behalf of the Facilities Committee, Mr. David Durham recommended that the Board approve the meeting minutes from April 17, 2024, as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the April 17, 2024, minutes: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

B. Facilities Update

Mr. Durham reported that the Facilities Committee took a tour at the Hampton Campus and was able to do a walkthrough of Hampton III, Hastings Hall, Templin Hall and Diggs, Moore, Harrison Halls. The committee visited the Templin Hall Auditorium construction site as well as the parking lots on the Hampton Campus. The committee also had an opportunity to talk with the architect firm working on the 10-year master plan and will follow up with this again in the fall of 2024.

6. Presidents Report

A. Discussion: Written President’s Report to the College Board

Dr. Brannon shared an abbreviated report for May and highlighted the commencement ceremony that took place Tuesday, May 14, at the Hampton Coliseum. This year’s ceremony included Workforce Development completers, which was a first for the College. There were approximately 80 workforce participants. Dr. Brannon shared that commencement was a success and thanked the team that prepared and planned this year’s event.

Dr. Vince Warren inquired about the FTE’s in the report and asked for clarification. Dr. Brannon was able to clarify.

Dr. Jarrett inquired about the Administrative Policy Manual (APM). Mr. Felker provided an update on the APM. We now have recommendations on what can be archived, as well as writing teams working on rewriting policies. We will have about 30 new policies and 10 are near completion.

Dr. Romero asked about the Re-up process. Re-up conducts the outreach and when the student enrolls Re-up gets a portion. Re-up does not get any funding if the student does not actually commit to enrolling. Re-up runs data through the National Clearing House and those who have not completed a certificate will be contacted. This program is a great return on investment.


A. Board Self-Evaluation Executive Summary

Mr. Steven Felker provided an overview of the Board Self-Evaluation Executive Summery and reviewed the process and how the results were reviewed. A brief executive summary will be prepared but will not be publicly noticed. Mr. Felker provided a re-cap of the survey results.

A motion to approve the Board Self-Evaluation Executive Summary was made by Mr. Edward Durham and seconded by Dr. Vince Warren. The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approves the contents of the 2024 Board Self-Evaluation Executive Summary document, as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the Board Self-Evaluation Executive Summary: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

B. Assignment of the 2024-2025 College Board Chair and Vice Chair

Closed Session

Ms. Izabela Cieszynski motioned for the Board of Virginia Peninsula Community College Board, in accordance with §2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia vote to convene in closed session relating to the discussion or consideration of the review and approval of the 2024-2025 College Board Chair and Vice Chair, the motion was seconded by Mr. Stephen Ferguson.

By roll call vote the following board members approved the motion and closed session began at 6:50 p.m.: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

Reconvene to Open Session

Dr. Donna Woods motioned for the Board of Virginia Peninsula Community College, having finished all appropriate discussions in accordance with §2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia, motioned to end the closed session and return to open session, the motion was seconded by Mr. Joseph Fuentes.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the return to open session which reconvened at 7:09 p.m.: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

Certification of Closed Session

The members in attendance at the closed session of the Virginia Peninsula Community College Board meeting on May 15, 2024, that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under §2.2-3711(A)(1) were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed, or considered in this closed session.

By roll call vote, the following board members certified closed session matters: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Dr. Keisha Melvin made a motion to select Dr. Vince Warren as Chair and Mr. Joseph Fuentes as Vice- Chair of the Virginia Peninsula Community College local board, the motion was seconded by Mr. Stephen Ferguson.

By roll call vote the following board members approved the Nomination’s Committee’s assignment of College Board Chair and Vice Chair(s), as presented: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

8. New business

Mr. Stephen Ferguson thanked Dr. Joyce Jarrett for her leadership as the College Board Chair for the past two years.

9. Adjournemt

The meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.

Next College Board Meeting: 5:30p.m. on

August 21, 2024

Campus Locations

Williamsburg’s Historic Triangle Campus

4601 Opportunity Way, Williamsburg, VA 23188

Hampton Campus

Hampton IV Building

521 Butler Farm Road, Hampton, VA 23666


General Local College Board meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.