
Local College Board Minutes for Wed., April 17, 2024

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Virginia Peninsula Community College
4801 Opportunity Way, Williamsburg, VA 23185 | Library Room 101M
5:00 P.M.

    The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m. Roll Call 5:04 pm Present: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Donna Woods Absent: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski
    Arrived After Roll Call: Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren Staff and Guests: Ms. Michelle Alexander (Academic Affairs), Ms. Ada Badgley (Office of the President), Mr. J.J. Bonavita ( Institutional Advancement & Transformation) Dr. Porter Brannon (Office of the President), Mr. Steven Carpenter (Finance & Administration), Daniela Cigularova (Enrollment Management & Student Success), Mr. Tim Crittenden (Finance & Administration) Ms. Nicole Currier (Academic Affairs), Mr. Todd Estes (Workforce Development), Dr. Joseph Fairchild (Academic Affairs), Mr. Steven Felker (Institutional Advancement & Transformation), Mr. Michael Filsinger (Faculty Senate), Ms. Jenni Jones (Academic Affairs), Ms. Mary Kanani (Enrollment Management & Student Success), Mr. Andrew Lesser (Anthology), Mr. Paul Long (Campus Police), Ms. Barbara Mason (Office of the President), Mr. John Mason (Finance & Administration) Ms. Elizabeth Rizzatto (CSSA), Interim Chief Kathy Shannon (Campus Police),Mr. Mark Vernon (Finance and Administration) Ms. Mel Wrona (SGA) A. Approval of Minutes for February 21, 2024 A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Allan Melton and seconded by Mr. Stephen Ferguson. The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approved the minutes from the February 21, 2024, Board Meeting [No. 460], as presented. By roll call vote, the following board members approved the February 21, 2024, minutes. Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

A. Public Comments

No Public Comment

Virginia Peninsula Community College Board Meeting April 17, 2024, Minutes No. [461]
Ms. Barbara Mason, Recorder
Distribution: Administrators, Archives, Chancellor For Board Approval 5.15.24

B. Report from the College Board Liaison to the Virginia Peninsula Educational Foundation Board of Directors.
Ms. Gholson reported that she attended the Educational Foundation Board of Directors meeting on March 14, 2024. The Educational Foundation Board is planning to schedule a tour of the HT Campus (date undetermined). Ms. Gholson shared that there are still plans to schedule a joint board meeting with both the College Board and the Foundation Board. Ms. Gholson reminded everyone to participate in the annual giving campaign.

Dr. Jarrett shared that she would like the VPCC Development Officer to report on the percentage of board members who have given at each of the board meetings. The goal is for 100 percent participation for board members.

3. CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION, AND STUDENT SERVICES COMMITTEE A. Review of February 21, 2024,andMarch13,2024,Minutes

On behalf of the Curriculum Instruction and Student Services Committee, Dr. Jonathan Romero made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from February 21, 2024, and March 13, 2024, as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the February 21, 2024, and March 13, 2024, minutes: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

B. Curriculum Advisory Committee Membership Approval

On behalf of the Curriculum Instruction and Student Servies Committee, Dr. Jonathan Romero made a motion for the board to approve the Curriculum Advisory Committee Membership, as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approves the Curriculum Advisory Committee updates for 2024-2025 as presented: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

C. Program Name Change AAS Administration of Justice to AAS Criminal Justice and CSC Administration of Justice to CSC Criminal Justice

On behalf of the Curriculum Instruction and Student Servies Committee, Dr. Jonathan Romero made a motion for the board to approve the name change of AAS Administration of Justice to AAS Criminal Justice and CSC Administration of Justice to CSC Criminal Justice, as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the name changes, as presented: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

D. ProgramDiscontinuance:(CSC)CertifiedMedicalAdministrativeAssistant(221-285-89)

Interim Dean Ms. Michelle Alexander provided an explanation for the discontinuance of the Certified Medical Administrative Assistant which had been established but was never launched as a program due to low interest. The program will be discontinued on the credit side and will be moved to Workforce Development

On behalf of the Curriculum Instruction and Student Servies Committee, Dr. Jonathan Romero made a motion for the board to approve the program discontinuance (CSC) Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (221-285-89), as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the name changes, as presented: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

E. Dental Hygiene Program Update

A recorded overview and update on the Dental Hygiene Program was provided by Dr. Kerry Ragno. Dr. Ragno provided a brief history of the program and a detailed timeline of events that have occurred over the 13 years that the program has been in operation. During 2023 the College did not recruit a fall cohort; however, we continued to report to CODA. Both the chair and clinic director have indicated they will not return after the spring 2024 semester, and we will not recruit for a fall 2024 cohort. We are currently in year one of a two-year non-enrollment and it is an opportune time to rethink, redevelop and redesign our program. An alternative model to offering the program that is being looked at is a hub model where several colleges can offer virtual classes with onsite clinics around the state.

The College will respond to CODA in spring 2024 and will submit a proposal to the VCCS in the summer of 2024. During the fall of 2024 we will begin planning the redevelopment of the program.

Dr. Brannon provided an additional overview to the board and shared that we are not looking to close the Dental Hygiene Program at VPCC. The College is looking to revamp the program to partner with sister colleges and identify a third-party dentist. This pause allows us to revamp more entrepreneurial ways of conducting the program. We will notify CODA this spring that we will voluntarily withdraw our accreditation while we redesign the program. Withdrawal is not the same as removing or closing our program and it will be an ideal opportunity to make changes to the program. The funds we lose occur every year not just this year. The withdrawal from CODA will occur in May.

Dr. Jarrett shared that she appreciates the conundrum the College is in with this program as it has maintained a 100 percent pass rate and is a signature program with a world class clinic. However, this is the time to restructure the program and develop it into a more sustainable program. Several board members shared the same sentiments as Dr. Jarrett and recognized that this is a painful situation, but it is the responsible thing to do. The entrepreneurial opportunity was commended and is a responsible way to honor the clinic.

The program will be “under construction vs “we closed our doors” and Dr. Brannon asked the board to help by publicizing the restructuring, share with dentists who may want to expand their footprint and to stop rumors by correcting and clarifying the situation. We will be working with our sister institutions as well as making legislative requests. Dr. Brannon thanked the board for their support in this difficult situation.

A motion was made by Dr. Jonathan Romero to amend the agenda item to Virginia Peninsula Community College approves the support of the College’s voluntary withdrawal of accreditation with CODA during the spring of 2024.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the voluntary withdrawal of accreditation with CODA during the spring of 2024: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.


A. Review February 21, 2024, Minutes

On behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee, Mr. Joseph Fuentes recommended that the Board approve the meeting minutes from February 21, 2024, as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the February 21, 2024, minutes: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

B. Receipt of Recommended FY2025 Local Funds Budget Presentation

Mr. Steven Carpenter provided an overview of the FY 2025 Local Funds Budget and reviewed the General Local Funds; Student Activities Fund, Athletics Fund; Security and Parking Fund; and Construction Fund.

The overview is for informational purposes only. Mr. Fuentes encouraged all members to review the recommended FY 2025 Local Funds Budget and to email Mr. Carpenter with any questions or concerns.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledge receipt of the FY 2025 Local Funds Budget report as presented: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

C. Approve 2024-2026 Auxiliary Parking Plan

Mr. Carpenter provided an overview of the parking plan and shared that the VCCS requires a submission every two years. The College is working with an engineering group identified by the system office, and they are prioritizing our issues, and we will follow that plan. The parking plan is expected to be out in the next 60 days. This document is a plan, and it can be updated.

On behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee, Mr. Joseph Fuentes recommended that the Board approve the Auxiliary Parking Plan as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members approved the 2024-2026 Auxiliary Parking Plan, as presented: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

D. Receipt of Standard Operating Procedure of the Budget and Finance Committee

Mr. Joseph Fuentes motioned the board to acknowledge the final draft of the SOP and asked the board for one final review of the document. The SOP will be approved by the full board at the May meeting. Please let Mr. Joseph Fuentes or Mr. Steve Carpenter know of any corrections by May 1, 2024.

Dr. Joyce Jarrett expressed her thanks to the staff and committee members who worked on this document.

On behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee, Mr. Joseph Fuentes recommended that the Board acknowledge the receipt of the Standard Operating Procedure of the Budget and Finance Committee., as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledged the Standard Operating Procedure of the Budget and Finance Committee, as presented: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

A. Discussion: Written President’s Report to the College Board

Dr. Brannon shared that the State Board for Community Colleges have been having discussion about board membership and have asked college presidents to reconsider the current language. The current language states boards cannot have elected official as part of their membership and board members cannot be a former employee of the college. We will know a decision from the State Board in May.

Dr. Brannon shared that she overlooked inviting board members to VPCC College presentations being made at local city council and school board meetings. The meeting dates will be shared this evening and board members will be invited to the upcoming meetings moving forward. We have been sharing with the localities what was shared with the board in the April presidents report.

VPCC has been in the news and Dr. Brannon is proud of this and thanked the board for their support. There is so much movement within the College and we are being recognized for it and our accomplished collective efforts is outstanding. Dr. Brannon formally recognized everyone for their hard work and thanked them for their role in getting us where we are today and asked the board for their continuing support in moving the College forward.

Ms. TiJuana Gholson shared that she was very impressed with the new creed – The Culture of Care. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS

A. BoardSelf-Evaluation

Mr. Steven Felker provided an overview of the College Board Self- Evaluation survey results and shared how this is tied to SACSCOC. The survey this year was completed by 10 out of 13 board members. Mr. Felker reviewed the overall responses and reviewed areas of needed improvement and focus. Mr. Felker reported that overall, the feedback was very positive. A draft executive summary will be provided at the May board meeting.

B. Update From Nominating Committee

Dr. Keisha Melvin reported that an email was sent to the full board on March 8 detailing the timeline for the nominations for Chair and Vice-Chair. The nominating committee met on April 8 and will meet again on May 1 to go over nominations received. Dr. Melvin reported that the responses to date have been low and the cut-off for submitting nominations is Saturday, April 20. Dr. Melvin asked Barbara Mason to resend the information.

Ms. Bunting shared that when choosing leadership, we need to think about where we are and where we are going. Consider what should the next style of leadership be.

Ms. Gholson asked for clarification on the expectation of the positions and Mr. Fuentes shared that it will be important to review the policy in the College Board handbook. Dr. Brannon shared that she would put together information regarding the position and Ms. Mason can include it in the reminder email. It was decided to extend the nominations to Saturday, April 27th.

Dr. Melvin will notify those who have been nominated prior to the May 15th meeting.

A. Review and Approval of Presidential Evaluation CLOSED SESSION

Mr. Stephen Ferguson motioned for the Board of Virginia Peninsula Community College Board, in accordance with §2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia vote to convene in closed session relating to the discussion or consideration of the review and approval of the 2024 presidential evaluation, the motion was seconded by Dr. Linda Reviea.

By roll call vote the following board members approved the motion and closed session began at 7:20 p.m.: Mr. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

Reconvene to Open Session

Mr. Stephen Ferguson motioned for the Board of Virginia Peninsula Community College, having finished all appropriate discussions in accordance with §2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia, motioned to end the closed session and return to open session, the motion was seconded by Mr. Allan Melton.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the return to open session which reconvened at 8:02 p.m.: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. Ti’Juana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

Certification of Closed Session

The members in attendance at the closed session of the Virginia Peninsula Community College Board meeting on April 17, 2024, that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under §2.2-3711(A)(1) were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed, or considered in this closed session.

By roll call vote, the following board members certified closed session matters: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Mr. Stephen Ferguson motioned, and Mr. Allan Melton seconded that the Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approve the Executive Committee’s recommendation, as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members approved the Executive Committee’s Presidential Evaluation recommendation: Ms. Mary Bunting, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Linda Reviea, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.



Next College Board Meeting: 5:30p.m. on May 15, 2024

Campus Locations

Williamsburg’s Historic Triangle Campus
4601 Opportunity Way, Williamsburg, VA 23188

Hampton Campus
Hampton IV Building
521 Butler Farm Road, Hampton, VA 23666

General Local College Board meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.