
Local College Board Minutes for Wed., February 21, 2024


Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Virginia Peninsula Community College
521 Butler Farm Road | Hampton, VA 23666 Room 4226
5:30 P.M.

    The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. Roll Call 5:31 pm Present: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods Absent: Ms. Mary Bunting, Dr. Linda Reviea Staff and Guests: Ms. Michelle Alexander (Academic Affairs), Ms. Kadisia Archer (Enrollment Management & Student Success), Ms. Ada Badgley (Office of the President), Dr. Porter Brannon (Office of the President), Mr. Steven Carpenter (Finance & Administration), Daniela Cigularova (Enrollment Management & Student Success), Mr. Tim Crittenden (Finance & Administration) Ms. Nicole Currier (Academic Affairs), Mr. Todd Estes (Workforce Development), Dr. Joseph Fairchild (Academic Affairs), Mr. Steven Felker (Institutional Advancement & Transformation), Mr. Keith Ferguson (Finance & Administration), Mr. Michael Filsinger (Faculty Senate), Ms. Mary Kanani (Enrollment Management & Student Success), Mr. Andrew Lesser (Anthology), Mr. Paul Long (Campus Police), Ms. Gianella Loten (SGA), Ms. Barbara Mason (Office of the President), Mr. John Mason (Finance & Administration) Mr. Chris Moore (Enrollment Management & Student Success) Mr. Eric Pesola (Institutional Advancement & Transformation), Dr. Kerry Ragno (Academic Affairs), Ms. Elizabeth Rizzatto (CSSA), Interim Chief Kathy Shannon (Campus Police), Ms. Tiyé Smith (SGA), Dr. Scott Stauble (Academic Affairs), Mr. Mark Vernon (Finance and Administration) Ms. Mel Wrona (SGA) A. Approval of Minutes for December 6, 2023 A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Allan Melton and seconded by Mr. Stephen Ferguson. The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approved the minutes from the December 6, 2023, Board Meeting [No. 459], as presented. By roll call vote, the following board members approved the December 6, 2023, minutes: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

Virginia Peninsula Community College Board Meeting February 21, 2024, Minutes No. [460]
Ms. Barbara Mason, Recorder
Distribution: Administrators, Archives, Chancellor For Board Approval 4.17.24

Dr. Donna Woods motioned that The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approves the proposed procedure and survey instrument for use in conducting its self-evaluation.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the proposed procedure and survey instrument for use in conducting its self-evaluation, as presented: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

  1. PRESIDENTS REPORT A. Annual Workforce Development Report Mr. Estes reported there has been a great deal of activity in Workforce Development and reviewed the regional initiatives where Hampton Roads is being recognized. The driver of these initiatives is the community college and the partnership between Virginia Peninsula Community College, Tidewater Community College, and Paul D. Camp Community College called the Community College Workforce Cooperative (CCWC). Facility constraints and instructor constraints are the biggest challenge. There is currently a funding source that will help the colleges hire instructors in the trade space and VPCC is anticipating receiving a half million dollars. Workforce Development is self-sustained in both operations and personnel for 2023. There were many process changes in 2023 and Mr. Estes is excited at how 2024 is looking. We are ranked third in the system and Germanna is first, and the Community Workforce Alliance (Brightpoint and Reynolds) are second. Our goal is to increase credentials by 5% for 2024. Mr. Estes shared that we are being assertive in the region and the College is engaging with partners in the same space. During the fall we had an Apprenticeship Summit as well as a United for Impact Convening in December. The United for Impact Convening is expected to be an annual event moving forward. The College opened a Trades Center in Toano, and we are building a 16,000 sq ft trades facility in downtown Newport News. The facility will be located on 21st and Jefferson Avenue and is adjacent to the Marshall Ridley revitalization project. The building will house seven programs to include Maritime Welding, Structural Fitting, Marine Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical and Facilities Maintenance. Groundbreaking will be this summer and building completion by February 2025. Dr. Brannon acknowledged Mr. Estes for his hard work and dedication. B. Discussion: Written President’s Report to the College Board Dr. Jarrett commented on the transformation of the culture at the College and shared that it is evident in a strategic way including the leadership series, employee engagement, student leaders becoming involved and the College meeting the needs of the community. Tapping into every facet. Dr. Brannon shared that the VPCC Culture of Care creed will be shared with the board at the next meeting and stated that she sees the transformation happening at VPCC and is proud of her team. Ms. Gholson thanked the leadership team, and for taking ownership of the vision of the College.
  2. CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION, AND STUDENT SERVICES COMMITTEE A. ReviewofNovember28,2023,Minutes On behalf of the Curriculum Instruction and Student Services Committee, Dr. Jonathan Romero made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from November 28, 2023, as presented. By roll call vote, the following board members approved the November 28, 2023, minutes: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

B. Nursing Program Update:

VBON Results / NCLEX Report

Ms. Jenni Jones provided an update on the College’s NCLEX scores which have fallen below 80% for the first time since 2015. The faculty had anticipated the decline and are actively taking corrective action steps to improve scores moving forward. A plan of correction is due to the Board of Nursing on March 15, 2024. The College is not isolated as five of seven nursing programs are below 80%.

On behalf of the Curriculum Instruction and Student Servies Committee, Dr. Jonathan Romero made a motion for the board to acknowledge the Nursing Program Updates, as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members acknowledged the Nursing Program Update, as presented: Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

C. Enrollment Management Services Report:

 Timely Care and VPCC Partnership

Daniela Cigularova shared that after evaluating the SOP’s for the Enrollment Management and Student Success (EMSS) Division one area where students were facing challenges was around mental health to include anxiety, depression and overall mental health issues. EMSS engaged with SGA to work on a solution to support our students with resources for mental health. SGA President Tiyé Smith shared how valuable mental resources would be for our students. A great resource to support our students called Timely Care was identified and 19 of our 23 VCCS Community Colleges have a contract with them. Some highlights of Timely Care include availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 85% of students who receive services were likely to stay in their classes and have an improved mental health state. Champions are needed for this program to work, and the College has a faculty member taking a lead role as well as SGA support. The Marketing Department has been engaged and there will be a campus-wide roll-out in March. Timely Care is a holistic approach and will be accessible to all students.

The College will receive daily and weekly reports on the usage of this valuable resource and EMSS will be able to share updates if requested.

On behalf of the Curriculum Instruction and Student Servies Committee, Dr. Jonathan Romero made a motion for the board to acknowledge the Enrollment Management Services report, as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members acknowledged the Enrollment Management Services Report, as presented: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

Dr. Ragno introduced Ms. Michelle Alexander as the Interim Dean of Public Safety, Allied Health, and Human Services. Dr. Romero thanked Mr. Paul Long for his service.


A. Review December 6, 2023, Minutes

The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approves the Budget and Finance Committee meeting minutes from December 6, 2023, as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the December 6, 2023, minutes: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

B. ReceiptoftheFY2024StateBudget2ndQuarterUpdate

Mr. Crittenden provided an overview of the FY 2024 State Budget 2nd Quarter Update. Any surplus will be carried over to the next year for needs that benefits the College.

On behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee, Mr. Joseph Fuentes recommended that the Board acknowledge receipt of the FY 2024 State Budget 2nd Quarter report, as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledge receipt of the FY 2024 State Budget 2nd Quarter report as presented: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

C. Receipt of the FY2024 Local Funds 2nd Quarter Report

Mr. Crittenden provided a detailed report on the FY 2024 local funds and reviewed each funding area.

On behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee, Mr. Joseph Fuentes recommended that the Board acknowledges receipt of the FY 2024 Local Funds 2nd Quarter Report, as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledge receipt of the FY 2024 Local Funds 2nd Quarter Report, as presented: Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

D. Receipt of Recommended FY2025 Local Funds Budget Presentation

Mr. Joseph Fuentes motioned to amend the current agenda to strike item D. This item will be included on the April agenda and a vote will occur in May.

E. ApproveIncreaseinStudentFeesforFY2025

Mr. Joseph Fuentes motioned to amend the current agenda to strike item E. This item will be reviewed next year.

F. Status Update of Athletics Review Action Items

Mr. Joseph Fuentes shared a letter received by the College referring to the review of the athletics business processes. Mr. Fuentes directed the board to page two of the letter that includes the six recommendations that will be spoken to this evening. For each of the recommendations a target completion date was provided.

Mr. Crittenden and Mr. Ferguson provided an overview to the board. Mr. Crittenden shared that a review is different from an audit and the review was done to see if the College was complying to best practices. The College engaged with a consultant group who provided recommendations and not findings. Mr. Crittenden reviewed the six recommendations.

All actions have been completed. Mr. Crittenden reviewed the actions and provided explanations.

Board members asked about procurement policies and Mr. Crittenden explained the procurement policies at the VCCS as well as state policies.

Mr. Chris Moore, Athletics Director provided a brief overview of how his office and the athletics department runs. Policies and procedures are in place for intercollegiate athletics.

On behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee, Mr. Joseph Fuentes recommended that the Board acknowledge the Status Update of the Athletics Review Action Items, as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledged the Status Update of the Athletics Review Action Items, as presented: Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

G. Status Update of Standard Operation Procedure

Mr. Carpenter and his staff will have the final draft of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)completed by March 15. The Budget and Finance Committee will review the document by mid-March and the SOP will be presented at the April College Board meeting.

On behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee, Mr. Joseph Fuentes recommended that the Board acknowledge the receipt of the Standard Operating Procedure status update, as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledged the Status Update of the Standard Operating Procedure, as presented: Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

6. FACILITIES COMMITTEE A. Facilities Projects Update

Mr. Ed Durham shared that the Facilities Committee did not have quorum; however, the following items were reviewed: Hampton III should be completed no later than June 1, 2024, Templin Hall work remains on schedule, the master plan for the new building was awarded and the demolition for Diggs, Moore and Harrison Hall is on track for the summer (currently there is not a contract in place). In addition, there will be interior and exterior painting ongoing this summer as well as improvements to the library and study areas at the Hampton Campus.

On behalf of the Facilities Committee, Mr. Ed Durham recommended that the Board acknowledge receipt of the Facilities Projects Updates, as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledged the Facilities Projects Updates, as presented: Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

A. Approval of the Colleges Honorary Associate Degree Nomination
B. Ad-hoc Awards Committee Report

Dr. Donna Woods motioned for the Board of Virginia Peninsula Community College Board, in accordance with §2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia vote to convene in closed session relating to the discussion or consideration of honorary degrees and special awards.

By roll call vote the following board members approved the motion and closed session began at 8:00 p.m.: Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods

Reconvene to Open Session

Dr. Donna Woods motioned for the Board of Virginia Peninsula Community College, having finished all appropriate discussions in accordance with §2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia, motioned to end the closed session and return to open session, the motion was seconded by Mr. Joseph Fuentes.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the return to open session which reconvened at 8:25 p.m.: Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

Certification of Closed Session

The members in attendance at the closed session of the Virginia Peninsula Community College Board meeting on February 21, 2024, that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under §2.2-3711(A)(1) were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed, or considered in this closed session.

By roll call vote, the following board members certified closed session matters Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Dr. Donna Woods motioned, and Mr. Joseph Fuentes seconded that the Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approve the College’s Honorary Associate Degree recommendation, as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members approved the College’s Honorary Associate Degree recommendation: Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Dr. Donna Woods motioned, and Dr. Vince Warren seconded that the Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approves the Ad-hoc Awards Committee’s recommendation, as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members approved the Ad-hoc Awards Committee’s recommendation: Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Keisha Melvin, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.



Next College Board Meeting: 5:00 p.m. on April 17, 2024

Campus Locations

Williamsburg’s Historic Triangle Campus
4601 Opportunity Way, Williamsburg, VA 23188

Hampton Campus
Hampton IV Building
521 Butler Farm Road, Hampton, VA 23666

General Local College Board meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.