
Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services Minutes for October 9, 2024

Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services (CISS) Committee
October 9, 2024
5:00 – 6:00 PM
Hampton IV, Room 4226

VPCC College Board Members Present: Dr. Keisha Melvin {Committee Chair}, Laura Abel, Izabela Cieszynski, Stephen Ferguson,  Dr. Joyce Jarrett, and Dr. Vince Warren.

VPCC Staff/Faculty Present: Dr. Towuanna Brannon, Dr. Kerry Ragno, Daniela Cigularova, Dr. Joseph Fairchild, Michelle Alexander, Dave Coffey, and Dr. LaRhonda Johnson.

Notes recorded by: Angela Robinson

  1. Call to Order

Following an introduction and welcome Dr. Melvin called the meeting to order at 5:13 PM.   

  1. Review of May 8, 2024, CISS Committee Meeting Minutes

The recommendation was made to review and approve the CISS committee meeting minutes recorded on May 8, 2024.  After review, a motion with a second were given and the Virginia Peninsula Community College CISS committee approved the minutes, as presented.

  1. Student Code of Conduct Addendum and Facilities Use Provisions

Dr. Towuanna Brannon, President of Virginia Peninsula Community College announced that the VCCS state board voted to remove approval responsibility of the student code of conduct from the local college board.  Dr. Brannon further stated that the Chancellor’s goal this academic year is to instead provide a student code of conduct policy applicable to all 23 colleges within the Virginia Community College System.  Dr. LaRhonda Johnson, Dean of Retention and Student Success added that the student handbook, code of conduct & addendum, and facilities use provisions were presented at the last Student Government Association meeting.  Dr. Johnson then announced that the student code of conduct and addendum may be accessed through VPCC’s website.

After a brief discussion and in line with VCCS state board’s vote removing local college board approval the Virginia Peninsula Community College CISS committee members acknowledged the student code of conduct addendum and facilities use provisions, as presented.

  1. Program Discontinuance: Administration of Justice AAS, program 400

      September 19, 2024, Curriculum Committee

Michelle Alexander, Division Dean of Public Safety, Allied Health, and Human Services and Dave Coffey, Faculty & Program Chair for Administration of Justice under the guidance of Dr. Joe Fairchild, AVP for Academic Affairs presented an overview clarifying program discontinuance which is based on CIP code regulations that dictate a required program closing

in compliance with G3 and TransferVA initiatives. Stephen Ferguson made a motion to approve the discontinuance, seconded by Dr. Joyce Jarrett and the Virginia Peninsula Community College CISS committee members approved the program discontinuance, as presented.

  1. Program Discontinuance: Administration of Justice CSC, program 221-400-01

September 19, 2024, Curriculum Committee

Michelle Alexander, Division Dean of Public Safety, Allied Health, and Human Services and Dave Coffey, Faculty & Program Chair for Administration of Justice presented an overview clarifying program discontinuance which is based on CIP code regulations that dictate a required program closing in compliance with G3 and TransferVA initiatives.  The Virginia Peninsula Community College CISS committee members approved the program discontinuance, as presented.

  1. Program Discontinuance: Mechanical Engineering Technology, Specialization in Marine Engineering, program 956-01

September 19, 2024, Curriculum Committee

Dr. Joe Fairchild, AVP for Academic Affairs presented an overview clarifying the Mechanical Engineering Technology, specialization in Marine Engineering program discontinuance is due to discovery of an expired partnership agreement with Newport News Shipbuilding.  Dr. Fairchild stated that the program existed as a part of a partnership between the college and Newport News Shipbuilding which has since expired.  Enrolled students have been notified of the change and informed that they will be moved to the Mechanical Engineering Technology program unless they choose another program.  Although Newport News Shipbuilding still offers the program to its employees, the agreement with the college expired in 2021.  Stephen Ferguson made a motion to approve the discontinuance, seconded by Izabela Cieszynski and the Virginia Peninsula Community College CISS committee members approved the program discontinuance, as presented.


  • Ragno presented a draft schedule of CISS Committee meetings for academic year 2024-25 (illustration attached). Noting if the CISS Committee meets on the same day as the local college board the start time will be adjusted to 90 minutes earlier than College Board.  Dr. Brannon added that the local college board needs to review and approve its schedule proposal before implementation and will do so at the October 16 college board meeting.
  • Daniela Cigularova, Vice President of Enrollment Management Services and Dr. LaRhonda Johnson presented the Student Handbook review timeline (illustration attached) offering all constituent groups the opportunity to share feedback.
  • Johnson invited everyone to the Student Life & Leadership Fall Festival on October 10 from 11 AM to 3 PM on the lawn of Hastings Hall focusing on Hispanic Heritage Month and Wellness.


The next CISS Committee meeting date is December 4, 2024, at 4:30 PM* and members will convene at Bruton High School located at  185 E. Rochambeau Drive, Williamsburg, VA 23188. 

A Public Notice of the December 4 CISS Committee Meeting will be communicated and published online at

*Note, at the October 16 College Board meeting, the board approved committee meetings prior
to College Board meetings from 4:30-5:45 PM with dinner included.


Dr. Melvin called the meeting adjourned at 5:54 PM.

Respectfully submitted by,
Angela Robinson