
WATA Has New Stop at VPCC Trades Center in Toano

WATA Has New Stop at VPCC Trades Center in Toano

A Williamsburg Area Transit Authority bus with a VPCC advertisement.



Officials representing Virginia Peninsula Community College and Williamsburg Area Transit Authority (WATA) announced a new bus route to better serve students at the College’s Trades Center in Toano.

On Monday, May 6, WATA began providing service down Industrial Boulevard with a stop right by VPCC’s new Trades Center. WATA adjusted Route 9 (Toano) to accommodate the new stop. Temporary signs are in place while WATA works with James City County on permanent signage. WATA staff will need time to update the schedule and routes on Google, Bing,, Transit app and other programs.

“We are thrilled to add this new stop to Route 9,” said WATA’s Director of Operations Karen Davis.

VPCC President Dr. Towuanna Porter Brannon was appreciative of WATA’s efforts to accommodate the College’s students.

“We cannot thank you enough for making access to high-demand training programs accessible for our current and future students,” Dr. Brannon said.