
Meet Presidential Ambassador Sharena Marsh

Meet Presidential Ambassador Sharena Marsh

VPCC Alumna Sharena Marsh



Sharena Marsh is among four students participating in the College’s Presidential Ambassador Program for 2021-22. She serves as an ambassador at the Historic Triangle Campus in Williamsburg.

Students in the Presidential Ambassadors program commit to assisting the College for 10 months by participating in events and working in various roles on campus. The program greatly benefits participants. It provides a $1,000 incentive and allows students to connect with their peers at events, which often leads to building friendships, according to Michelle Manfred, program coordinator. Participants are also mentored by College leaders.

Marsh has her sights on a career in the mental health field and chose Virginia Peninsula as her springboard to that future. Fresh out of Lafayette High School in 2020, she enrolled to start her journey. Here, she shares a little about herself and her time at the College.

What is your major? Social Science

Why did you select that major? I selected this major so that I can be a clinical social worker or clinical psychologist and be able to diagnose and treat those with mental illness.

Why did you choose Virginia Peninsula? I choose the College because once I finish my two years, my credits will transfer so that I can have less (time) at a university.

What inspires you in your pursuit of higher education? I’m inspired to pursue higher education because I can make me and my family happy with how far I have come.

How is your experience at VPCC helping you as you work toward your goal? It is helping me to prepare for the real world with things such as internships so I know what to expect in my field.

What are your academic and career goals over the next five years? Academically, I hope to earn a master’s degree or doctorate. I hope that I become the social worker/ psychologist I’ve always wanted to be.

Would you recommend VPCC to someone else? Why? Yes, I would because it offers you many opportunities and gateways for the future.

What clubs or activities are you involved with at VPCC and in your community? In addition to being a Presidential Ambassador, I have my own club, Gun Violence and Bullying Prevention.

What impact does participation in these clubs/organizations have on you particularly as you continue your college education? It really impacts me as a person because I get to lead something of my own and am able to bring important topics like this into discussion and hear the opinions of others.

Manfred speaks highly of Marsh. 

What made her a good fit for the program? Sharena was one of the first candidates to reach out with a completed application. She demonstrated great enthusiasm for the program.

What are your thoughts about her service in the program thus far? Sharena has great follow-through and asks great questions. She is detail-oriented and is so excited to connect with other students. Her enthusiasm is contagious.