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Using Financial Aid at the Bookstore

Students using the Bookstore to purchase their books and supplies will need to complete the electronic bookstore authorization form each academic year (one authorization per academic year). The electronic form can be accessed via your myVPCC student portal under the “to-do“ list. Additionally, if you are currently enrolled and on financial aid probation or on an academic plan, it is advised that you wait until your grades are posted before utilizing your funds. If you choose to purchase materials prior to grades posting, please note that you will be financially responsible for any bookstore charges should you become ineligible for financial aid after your grades are posted.

Bookstore Charging Dates

Fall 2024

Bookstore Charge Start & End Date

Aug. 15th to Oct. 21st

First Day of Fall Classes

August 21st

Spring 2025

Bookstore Charge Start & End Date

Jan. 6th to March 21st

First Day of Spring Classes

January 13th

The VCCS (Virginia Community College System) Bookstore policy states: Students using financial aid in the College Bookstore may purchase only required books and supplies that correlate with registered, eligible courses for the term. This means that items such as course-related electronics outside of laptops (e.g., tablets, cameras, and scientific calculators), uniforms, and tools may only be purchased if they are listed as required on the course syllabus. During the book purchase period, books and supplies purchased using financial aid cannot be returned to the College Bookstore for cash. Amounts for returned items must be credited back to the aid fund type that paid for the books and supplies on the student’s account. Students who have anticipated aid in excess of paying their tuition and fees have two ways to purchase their books and supplies up to $1,300:

Option 1: Online through the Virginia Peninsula Community College Bookstore. Go to for the Hampton campus. Go to for the Historic Triangle campus. The Hampton Bookstore carries textbooks for all campuses (Hampton, Historic Triangle, Southeast Higher Education Center, and Distance). The Historic Triangle (HT) Bookstore only stocks textbooks for the HT campus and all distance learning courses. You will need your student ID number to place the order.

When ordering online, you have the option to have your order shipped to your home or be picked up at the Bookstore. A shipping charge will be included and deducted from your financial aid. Allow three (3) business days for processing online orders. You will receive an e-mail when your order is ready. Please print your confirmation page when picking up orders. Along with a picture ID, you will need your order number. The pick-up option will remain open until storage space is no longer available. For more information, please visit the following website: Bookstore Online Ordering

Option 2: Purchase your books and supplies in person at the bookstore. Textbook rental is also available online and in the store. You may save up to 50% by renting selected textbooks. You will need to have a valid credit card to ensure the textbook is returned in good condition. The credit card will only be charged if the book(s) is not returned or is damaged. Please register at Not all textbooks are eligible for rent.