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SIS and myVPCC Help

Our Student Information System (SIS) and myVPCC applications at Virginia Peninsula Community College are your central hub for managing your academic journey. SIS allows access to essential tools and information, including class registration, grades, and personal records. Whether you need to update your contact information, review your academic progress, or plan your upcoming courses, SIS provides a user-friendly platform to keep you organized and informed.

If you need assistance navigating the system, this page offers step-by-step guides, troubleshooting tips, and resources to ensure you can confidently use SIS. Let us help you take control of your college experience with ease!

Log Into myVPCC
  1. Click myVPCC at the top of the VPCC website
  2. Enter your Username and Password – If you do not remember your Password or Username click on the appropriate link below the SIGN IN button.
  3. Click Log In
  4. The next page displays tiles to Canvas, Student Email, SIS: Student Information System and Navigate
  5. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  6. When you are finished, always remember to Sign Out to ensure the security and privacy of your account information.
  7. If you need assistance contact the IT Helpdesk at 757-825-2709.

How to Register on myVPCC
  1. Click myVPCC at the top of the VPCC website
  2. Enter your login information (username and password) OR create a new password if you are new to the college.
  3. Now that you’re logged in, select VCCS SIS: Student Information System (Second link under My Tools).
  4. It’s time to sign up for classes! Click Student Center
  5. Click Enroll
  6. Select the semester you wish to enroll (first semester students may default to current semester).
  7. If you know the five digit number of the class in which you would like to enroll, enter it in the enter class number box. If you do not know the class number, scroll down under find classes and select the green search button. Enter the course subject in the subject box and the course number in the number box. For example, if you would like to enroll in developmental math, MTT3, you would need to enter MTT in the subject box and 3 in the number box.
  8. Next, select the drop down box to find the campus where you want to take classes.
  9. Click search and review the available courses. A green circle means the course is open; a blue square means the course is closed. *VPCC does not use waitlist and there is no permission number for classes
  10. Click Select Class
  11. View the course details and click NEXT
  12. Review the class in the shopping cart. (This will not reserve your seat in the class. You must proceed to the next step)
  13. Confirm the classes you selected and click the green Proceed to Step 2 of 3 button.
  14. Click Finish Enrollment to complete registration process.
  15. Verify you selected an available course. (A green circle means the class is open; a blue box means the class is closed)
  16. To register for another class, click on the Add Another Class button and repeat the process for each class.
  • If your status is reads “Error: unable to add class,” view the error message to the left and notify Enrollment Services
  • Once your enrollment is complete, select “my class schedule” to print.
Enroll in a Class
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Enrollment
  5. Add Classes
  6. Choose a Term and click Continue
  7. Select Search for Classes and click Search.
  8. Select a Subject and click Search
  9. Select the Class to Add
  10. Click Next
  11. Click Proceed to step 2 of 3
  12. Click Finish Enrolling

Drop a Class
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Enrollment
  5. Click Drop Classes
  6. Select a Term and click Continue
  7. Place a checkmark next to the class you wish to drop.
  8. Click the Drop selected class button
  9. Click Finish Dropping
  10. Refer to the Academic Calendar for important dates before dropping a class.
Swap a Class
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Enrollment
  5. Click Swap Classes
  6. Select a Term and click Continue
  7. Select the class in your schedule that you want to swap out from the drop-down menu.
  8. Choose Search for Classes and click the search button.
  9. Select a Subject and click search
  10. Click Select by the class you want to swap.
  11. Click Next
  12. Click Finish Swapping
View your Class Schedule
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Enrollment
  5. Click My Class Schedule
  6. Select a Term and click continue
View your Grades
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click on Academic Records
  5. Click View My Grades
  6. Choose a Term and click Continue
View To-Dos
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Your To Do list will be on the right side of the screen
View your Advisement Report
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Expand Academics in the middle of the screen
  5. Click on My Academics
  6. Click on View my advisement report
View Financial Aid Information
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Scroll down to the Finances section
  5. Click View Financial Aid
  6. Click the desired year
View Messages
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Message Center Link
Tuition Payment
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Make a Payment
  5. Takes you to tuition payment system
  6. Click Make a Payment
  7. Select Student Tuition
  8. Enter amount you would like to pay (by default the total amount owed populates the text box)
  9. Click Next- Payment Method
  10. Select either bank account or credit card
  11. Put in account information
  12. Save and continue
  13. Follow on-screen directions
  14. Note: DO NOT click Back button as payment could be submitted multiple times.
  15. Tuition due dates and other payment info can be found here: How to Pay and here : Tuition and Fees
Change FERPA Preferences
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click on Student Records eForms Icon
  4. Select FERPA eForm
  5. Complete and submit
Change Your Name, Date of Birth, or SSN
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click on Student Records eForms Icon
  4. Select Student Data Change Form eForm
  5. Complete and submit
Change User Preferences
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Personal Information
  5. Click User Preferences
  6. Select Virginia Peninsula Community College
  7. Click Save
Change Your Address
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Personal Information
  5. Click Addresses
  6. Click the Edit button beside the Address you would like to update
  7. Make your changes
  8. Click Ok and Save
Change an Address
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Personal Information
  5. Click Addresses
  6. Click the Add a New Address button
  7. Enter the Information
  8. Click Ok
  9. Enter the Address Type
  10. Click Save
Change Your Phone Number
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Personal Information
  5. Click Phone Numbers
  6. Update your Phone Number
  7. Click Save
Add a Phone Number
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Personal Information
  5. Click Phone Numbers
  6. Click the Add a Phone Number button
  7. Choose Phone Type
  8. Add Phone Number
  9. Click Save
Change Your Email Address
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Personal Information
  5. Click Email Addresses
  6. Update your Email Address
  7. Click Save
Add an Email Address
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Personal Information
  5. Click Email Addresses
  6. Click the Add Email Address button
  7. Choose Email Type
  8. Add Email Address
  9. Click Save
Find your Textbooks/Materials
  1. Log in to myVPCC
  2. Click on SIS: Student Information System
  3. Click My Student Information
  4. Click Enrollment
  5. Click My Class Schedule
  6. Click the link titled Bookstore Textbook Information


  1. Access the VPCC Bookstore
  2. Click on Textbooks or Find Courses
  3. Enter the term and course information and then click Find Materials

Kecoughtan Hall, Room 249
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Hampton Campus
Walk-In Services
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Historic Triangle Campus
Virtual Services
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Email and phone calls received after hours will be addressed the following business day.