How To Pay Tuition Online

The following instructions walk a user step-by-step through the process of paying for tuition completely online through myVPCC and SIS. After reviewing these steps, be sure to check out the additional “Helpful Hints” at bottom of this page.

  1. To pay your tuition online, login into myVPCC
login into myVPCC

2. Enter your login credentials and select the “GO” button:

Enter your login credentials

3. Select the SIS (Student Information System) icon…

Select the SIS (Student Information System) icon

4. Select the My Student Information tile:

My Student Information tile

5. From the Student Service Center page, click on “Make a Payment.” This will open the student portal to access the enterprise account.

student message center

Please Note: The very first time logging in, the following page will open:

the create account page in SIS

After clicking the “Submit” button, the following page will be presented requesting a 4 digit pin number be created. The 4 digit PIN is used to verify identity when phoning the customer service call center.

review items

Once the 4 digit PIN has been entered, select the “OK” button, and your home page will be displayed.

6. Once on the home page, the balance owed will be displayed. To make a payment, Select the purple “Make a Payment” button.

the balance owed screen

8. Next enter the amount of payment, then click on Next – Payment Method button and select payment method

make a payment

If using an e-check/bank account, you can click on the next to the Routing Number or Account Number box, instructions are provided on where to locate the routing number and account number on a check:

routing number

If you wish to save this payment profile for future payments, select the box above the button…

save this payment profile for future payments

9. Next verify the information and then click on the Pay Now Button at the bottom of the page.

verify the information

10. Click on Proceed to Home button to see the balance has been reduced by the payment made. If assistance is needed, click the Customer Service Link:

customer service

Helpful Hints:

1. Before making a payment, verify that your User Preferences are set to Virginia Peninsula Community College with the directions:

A. Select the SIS (Student Information System) Icon:

SIS icon

B. Select the My Student Information tile:

my student information tile

This should display your Student Center.

Student Center interface on SIS

C. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Personal Information section and select the last option… “User

personal information

D. Verify that VA Peninsula Community College is selected from the drop-down list for Institution and
click the “Save” button

dropdown list for institution

2. If you are using a phone, tablet or other mobile device to access your student account to make a payment and are having difficulties, please try using a desktop computer or laptop. Not all mobile devices are compatible with the payment function.

3. When making a payment ensure your popup blocker has been disabled.