Shared Services Distance Learning (SSDL) courses are Virginia Peninsula courses offered in partnership with Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC). These courses allow students to earn Virginia Peninsula credit while taking an online course with a NVCC instructor, as well as use the Virginia Peninsula testing centers to take proctored tests.
All SSDL courses have a section number that begins with the letters DN. Each course will have the following statement in the notes area: “This section is a Distance Learning course taught by Northern Virginia Community College using Canvas via the Internet. Class begins (date). Proctored testing is required.”
As an SSDL student, you will have access to all the services provided by Northern Virginia Community College in addition to the resources available to all students at Virginia Peninsula Community College.
- myVPCC (Canvas, Student Information System (SIS), Student Email)
- Test proctoring on-campus or approved remote location
- All NOVA student services and Virginia Peninsula student services
- Help Desk via Virginia Peninsula and NVCC
- Online Orientations via Virginia Peninsula and NVCC
- SSDL Online Orientation hosted by the SSDL Liaison at Virginia Peninsula
What will I need to take a Shared Services Distance Learning (SSDL) course?
SSDL courses are online courses that can be taken anywhere you have internet access. Courses utilize Canvas, the VCCS online learning management system, to view course content. All courses will be available in Canvas the first day the class starts. Students taking these courses should receive a letter from Northern Virginia Community College after registering for the course. Students will be invited to participate in an online orientation before the first day of class. Details will be emailed to the student’s email account. Virginia Peninsula has an on-campus orientation for all new students each semester.
For Virginia Peninsula technical requirements see online orientation.
Students are required to use their student e-mail account when communicating with faculty and staff at Virginia Peninsula and NVCC.
How do I register for Shared Services courses?
You register for SSDL courses the same way you register for Virginia Peninsula courses. Visit the Admissions section of our site to learn how to apply and register for classes.
How do I pay for Shared Services Courses?
Once you register for your SSDL course(s) it will appear in the Student Information System (SIS) under your course schedule. You can pay for your course online via the Student Information System, learn more about how to pay.
How do I get my course materials?
Textbooks for SSDL courses are available in the Virginia Peninsula bookstores. You will also have the option of purchasing your course materials at
If you are a financial aid student, you will be able to use award money to purchase materials in the Virginia Peninsula bookstores. If any financial aid is left over after using funds on tuition and course materials, you will get the amount left in the award amount that was not used when reimbursement checks are issued.
Where can I take proctored tests?
SSDL course(s) require proctored testing during the semester. Students can be proctored at any Virginia Peninsula testing center location or request an off-site proctored location.
For more information on locations and times for the Virginia Peninsula testing centers, please visit our website. For more information on off-site proctoring, please visit NVCC website.