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Local College Board Minutes for Wed., October 16, 2024

Local Community College Board
Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Virginia Peninsula Community College
521 Butler Farm Road|Hampton, VA 23666
Hampton IV – Room 4226
5:30 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. and Dr. Vince Warren welcomed everyone to the board meeting. 

Roll Call 5:37 pm

Present:  Ms. Laura Abel, Ms. Mary Bunting, Ms. Izabela Cieszynski (Virtual-medical), Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson (Virtual), Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

Absent: Dr. Keisha Melvin, Mr. R. C. Miller.

Staff and Guests:  Ms. Michelle Alexander (Academic Affairs),Ms. Ada Badgley (Office of the President),Mr. J.J. Bonavita ( Institutional Effectiveness & Transformation) Dr. Porter Brannon (Office of the President), Mr. Steven Carpenter (Finance & Administration), Ms. Daniela Cigularova (Enrollment Management & Student Success), Mr. Tim Crittenden (Finance & Administration) Ms. Nicole Currier (Academic Affairs), Mr. Todd Estes (Workforce Development), Dr. Joseph Fairchild (Academic Affairs), Mr. Keith Ferguson (Finance & Administration), Mr. Michael Filsinger (Faculty Senate), Mr. Paul Long (Campus Police), Ms. Barbara Mason (Office of the President), Mr. John Mason (Finance & Administration), Ms. Geraldine Mathey (CSSA), Mr. Bruce Meyer (State Board for Community College), Dr. Kerry Ragno (Academic Affairs), Dr. Scott Stauble (Academic Affairs), (Mr. Keith Utsey (SGA) Mr. Mark Vernon (Finance and Administration)

  1. Approval of Minutes for August 21, 2024

A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Allen Melton and seconded by Dr. Joyce Jarrett. The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approved the minutes from the August 21, 2024, Board Meeting [No. 463], as presented.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the August 21, 2024, minutes. Ms. Laura Abel, Ms. Mary Bunting, Ms. Izabela Cieszynski (Virtual-medical), Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.


  1. Public Comments

No public comment. 

Mr. Bruce Meyer, one of our liaison representatives from the State Board for Community Colleges was welcomed to the meeting by Dr. Vince Warren.

  • Board Resignation

Dr. Vince Warren, Board Chair, announced that Ms. Izabela Cieszynski, representing the City of Newport News, will be stepping down from the board. Dr. Warren acknowledged and thanked Ms. Cieszynski for her work and dedication to the board for the last eight years. Dr. Warren shared that she will be greatly missed by the board.

Dr. Brannon shared that Ms. Cieszynski has been a board member for many years and played a key roll in the name change as well as a being a huge supporter and advocate of the College. Her diligence in all matters is an example of her dedication to the College. Dr. Brannon thanked her for all she has done and for her service to the College. 

  • Report from the College Board Liaison to the VPCC Educational Foundation Board of Directors

Ms. TiJuana Gholson provided an overview of the September Educational Foundation Board meeting that was held at the Historic Triangle Campus and a first visit to the campus for many of the Foundation members. Mr. Chris Moore, Athletics Director, provided an athletics report and the members received athletic T-shirts. While visiting the Historic Triangle Campus the group took a field trip to the Toano Trades Center and received a tour of the facility.

There will be a Donor Appreciation event on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, and the Foundation Board will meet again in December.  

  • Appointment of Ad Hoc Committee for College Board Awards at Commencement

Dr. Vince Warren will reach out to board members with information related to serving on the Ad Hoc Committee for College Board Awards.  This committee will be comprised of three board members.  Dr. Warren will announce membership at the December meeting.

  • College Board Meeting Dates for Calendar Year 2025

Dr. Warren provided a brief overview of the meeting cadence proposed by the Executive Committee of the College Board. The 2025 meeting dates were shared and distributed to the board members.  Six meetings have been scheduled with an option to cancel one if it is determined that it is not needed.  Dr. Warren shared that previously the board met quarterly and had increased the meeting cadence when it was determined that the board needed to meet more frequently. Moving forward the plan is to have six meetings on the calendar and the December meeting will be as needed. 

Dr. Romero shared that it is great to have built in flexibility.

A motion to approve the meeting dates was made by Dr. Vince Warren and seconded by Mr. David Durham. The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approved the College Board Meeting Dates for Calendar Year 2025.

By roll call vote, the following board members approved the College Board Meeting Dates for Calendar Year 2025:  Ms. Laura Abel, Ms. Mary Bunting, Ms. Izabela Cieszynski (Virtual-medical), Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

  • Executive Committee Update

The Executive Committee met on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, and Dr. Warren shared that it was a very productive meeting, and much was accomplished. 

Mr. Joe Fuentes will lead the efforts to update the College Board Policy Manual. In addition to Mr. Fuentes, one additional board member will be needed to assist with this project as well as a VPCC staff member. This work will take place throughout this academic year and updates will be provided as the work progresses.

Dr. Warren shared that the chairs of the committees asked for consideration to have their committee meetings scheduled for the same night as the full board meeting. The Executive Committee discussed the standing committee meetings and times and recommended that their meetings be extended to 75 minutes and include dinner during their meeting to allow additional time for discussions. Dr. Warren did share that if all business could not be conducted in this timeframe the committees have an option to have two virtual meetings annually. Having this option would also allow for a special called meeting for time sensitive matters.  Committee meetings will be scheduled from 4:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. and the full board meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Committee meeting materials will need to be distributed one week in advance to allow for review.

The Executive Committee discussed various options for an Annual Board Retreat to include setting aside a block of time during a scheduled board meeting. The SACSCOC Accreditation site visit will be during October of 2025 and time may be set aside in September to review the role that the board will play in the visit.

During the Executive Committee meeting, Dr. Brannon provided an update on the President’s evaluation process. The Chancellor’s desire is a consistent and uniform evaluation for all Presidents across the 23 colleges in the VCCS. A uniform process was approved; however, there are details regarding metrics and baseline data that are still being worked out by the VCCS System Office. Once this information is established it will become part of a dashboard.  Additionally, as part of the evaluation process every board member is going to be asked to complete a survey.  A board member may opt out of the survey but once the survey is started it must be completed. The results of the survey, the president’s self-assessment and the dashboard metrics will be used in the evaluation process. The executive committee had a healthy discussion about the process and the greatest concern was the voice of the board being heard. Dr. Warren encouraged all board members to participate in the survey.

  • Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services Committee
    • Student Code of Conduct Addendum and Facilities Use Provisions

Dr. Brannon provided a historical overview of the approval process for revisions to the Student Code of Conduct. With the Chancellor’s goal to have “one system” to conduct business and have alignment within all 23 colleges, a uniform student code of conduct will be implemented for all 23 colleges in the VCCS, and the approval process will now be at the State Board level. The local board will no longer need to review and approve revisions or changes.  

The current addendum speaks to encampment on campuses, use of facilities not associated with campus events, use of masks, and reporting of students who have been arrested.  The addendum was asked to be included by the Governor of Virginia. This addendum has been approved by the State Board.  Barbara Mason will share the electronic document as well as the link on the College website with the College Board.

Item 2A Reported for Informational Purposes Only.

  • Program Discontinuance: Administration of Justice AAS, program 400, September 19, 2024, Curriculum Committee

Mr. Stephen Ferguson provided an overview of the discontinuance of the Administration of Justice AAS program 400.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approves the discontinuation of the Administration of Justice AAS, program 400, as presented.

On behalf of the Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services Committee Mr. Steven Ferguson recommended that Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approve the discontinuance of the Administration of Justice AAS, program 400, as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledge the discontinuance of the Administration of Justice AAS, program 400:  Ms. Laura Abel, Ms. Mary Bunting, Ms. Izabela Cieszynski (Virtual-medical), Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson (Virtual), Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

  • Program Discontinuance: Administration of Justice CSC, Program 221-400-01, September 19, 2024, Curriculum Committee

Mr. Stephen Ferguson provided an overview of the discontinuance of the Administration of

Justice CSC, Program 221-400-01.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approves the discontinuance of the Administration of Justice CSC, program 221-400-01, as presented.

On behalf of the Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services Committee Mr. Stephen Ferguson recommended that Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approve the discontinuation of the Administration of Justice CSC, program 221-400-01, as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledge the discontinuance of the Administration of Justice AAS, program 221-400-01:  Ms. Laura Abel, Ms. Mary Bunting, Ms. Izabela Cieszynski (Virtual-medical), Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson (Virtual), Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

  • Program Discontinuance: Mechanical Engineering Technology, Specialization in Marine Engineering AAS, program 956-01, September 19, 2024, Curriculum Committee

Dean Scott Stauble provided an overview of the discontinuance of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Specialization in Marine Engineering AAS. 

RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approves the discontinuance of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Specialization in Marine Engineering AAS, program 956-01, as presented.

On behalf of the Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services Committee Mr. Stephen Ferguson recommended that Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approve the discontinuance of the Mechanical Engineering Technology, Specialization in Marine Engineering AAS, program 956-01, as presented.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledge the discontinuance of the Administration of Justice AAS, program 400:  Ms. Laura Abel, Ms. Mary Bunting, Ms. Izabela Cieszynski (Virtual-medical), Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson (Virtual), Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

    • Receipt of the FY 2024 Local Funds Year-End Report

Mr. Durham shared that the completed year-end report was reviewed at the Finance and Facilities Committee meeting held today.  Mr. Stephen Carpenter had provided a draft overview at the August meeting, and there were no changes.in the FY 2024 Local Funds Year-End Report provided today.   

RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Virginia Peninsula Community College Board acknowledges receipt of the FY 2024 Local Funds Year-End Report, as presented. 

On behalf of the Finance and Facilities Committee, Mr. Ed Durham recommended the board acknowledge receipt of the FY 2024 Local Funds Year-End Report.

By roll call vote the following board members acknowledge the overview of the FY 2024 Local and State Funds Year-End Update as presented: Ms. Laura Abel, Ms. Mary Bunting, Ms. Izabela Cieszynski (Virtual-medical), Mr. David “Ed” Durham, Mr. Stephen Ferguson (Virtual), Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Ms. TiJuana Gholson, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Mr. Allan Melton, Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Donna Woods.

  • Receipt of the 10-Year Master Facilities Plan Update

Mr. Stephen Carpenter provided a brief overview of the 10-year master facilities plan. During the Finance and Facilities Committee meeting a 20-minute update was provided by Ms. Shelly Baines from the VCCS System Office and Mr. John Massey from RRMM Engineers. On October 29, RRMM will present to the President’s Cabinet and provide highlights on facility usage and updates from their meetings with stakeholders from within and outside of the College.  Mr. Carpenter is anticipating a presentation will be provide on this project at the February College Board meeting.

Item 3B Reported for Informational Purposes Only.

  • Presidents Report
    • Discussion of Legislative Breakfast

Dr. Brannon announced that there will be a Legislative Breakfast on Friday, December 13, 2024, at 7:30 a.m. in rooms 1301-1303 at the Peninsula Workforce Development Center located at 600 Butler Farm Road, Hampton, VA 23666. Dr. Brannon has been meeting with local and state legislators over the last several months and has attended several legislative breakfasts.  The theme for breakfast will be United for Impact with intimate table-top conversations with specific topics.  Chancellor Doré is invited and will help to connect the dots between the system level legislative priorities and legislative priorities. The topics will be finalized after the election and board members are encouraged to attend if able.

  • December College Board Meeting

Dr. Brannon thanked Ms. Laura Abel for securing a meeting location in York County for our December meeting. The December College Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, in the Bruton High School Library.  Bruton High School is located at 185 E. Rochambeau Drive, Williamsburg, VA 23188.  The standing committees will meet prior to the board meeting and have a light meal during the meeting.  The full board meeting will begin promptly at 6 p.m.

  • Four-Year Update to the Institutional Crisis and Emergency Plan

Ms. Ada Badgley and Mr. Paul Long provided a PowerPoint overview of the four-year update to the Institutional Crisis and Emergency plan to include the Virgnia Legal Framework that the College needs to follow along with reestablishing connections with our local partners.

An executive summary was provided to the College Board.

Dr. Brannon shared that the State Code of Virginia states a “governing board” must approve the plan; however, the College Board is an advisory board and the governing board is the State Board. We are currently seeking guidance from the System Office legal department on who should approve the update.  Mr. Bruce Meyer shared that more than likely it will be approved by the State Board.

  • The Giving Campaign

The College will be launching a giving campaign during the month of November from the 4th through the 22nd of the month. The goal of the campaign is not to reach a set dollar amount but to encourage and inspire the spirit of giving. During the last year 90 out of 640 employees gave which is less than 15 percent. Dr. Brannon would like to inspire our employees to give and increase the percentage of those who give. Old Point National Bank has agreed to match the first $5,000 we raise.  A fund crowding incentive will be used this year that can be shared on social media to encourage friends and family to give as well as some friendly challenges between departments and groups.

The capital campaign will start in approximately 10 months.

  • Written President’s Report to the College Board

Ms. Mary Bunting applauded the work that is being done at the College and is pleased with the enrollment numbers being reported.



  • New business

Dr. Warren shared that we will make a small pivot to have the work of the standing committees approve their minutes in their individual meeting and the full board will no longer approve the committee meeting minutes.  The minutes will be included in the distribution of documents but will not be part of the full board agenda.

  • Adjournemt

The meeting was adjourned at 7:10p.m.

Next College Board Meeting December 4, 2024:
Committee Meetings 4:30 – 5:45 p.m. with Dinner Included
College Board 6 p.m.
Bruton High School Library
185 E. Rochambeau Drive
Williamsburg, VA 23188

Campus Locations
Williamsburg’s Historic Triangle Campus
4601 Opportunity Way, Williamsburg, VA 23188

Hampton Campus
Hampton IV Building
521 Butler Farm Road, Hampton, VA 23666


General Local College Board meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.