Virginia Peninsula Community College recognized the two most recent cohorts in its Fire and EMS education program Dec. 12 at Legacy Hall in New Town.
College President Dr. Towuanna Porter Brannon told those at the ceremony, including many family members, friends, and mentors, that the students should be proud of their decision to enter such a noble profession, one where they put others first.
“They have chosen a path of service and courage and compassion, a calling that demands not only incredible skills but also an undying and unyielding dedication to the well-being of others,” she said.
LeRon Lewis, the interim program director, said the students have chosen a profession that has far-reaching effects.
“It’s incredibly important, impactful and valuable,” he said.
This year’s celebration recognized the 2023 and 2024 graduates, with nearly 30 of the more than 60 honorees in attendance. As the ceremony approached, Lewis reminded the students the pinning ceremony isn’t just for them. It’s also for the family members, friends and mentors in the audience.
“It’s for your mom. It’s for your sister. It’s for your family members who also had to make sacrifices in order for you to attend class, do clinicals or take field trips,” he said. “That’s what pinning is for. It’s a celebration but it’s also a recognition of that sacrifice.”
Lewis, who showed the pin from his 2006 VPCC ceremony, knows those family members and friends pulled extra duty when the students took an extra shift or were studying.
The 2024 cohort overcame more than the usual challenges in the 12-month program, including classes and training shifting to Williamsburg while the regular facilities in Hampton were being renovated.
Still, they persevered and received an education like no other.
“You have learned how to be a lifeline to others in the most vulnerable moment of their lives,” Dr. Brannon said. “You represent the very best of what this community has to offer and we live in a time where compassion is needed, and you have been prepared to do just that.”
Her goal is that this isn’t the last recognition ceremony the students have.
“I hope this is just one of the milestones in your future,” she said. “You have chosen a path of being nothing short of a hero.”