VPCC family members on the Community Service

Community Service

Virginia Peninsula Community College’s volunteer Community Service Scholarship program was founded to help students develop a love for service to others within their communities. Students can earn $100.00 towards tuition or other educational expenses per semester by volunteering to work 10 hours with an approved community agency or 15 hours assisting offices on each campus. All participants must register in advance to qualify for a scholarship by completing the registration form.

Participation is easy, just :

  • Review the list of agencies shown below.
  • Contact the agency to discuss ways that you can assist.
  • Print the Community Service Time Sheet. Please take it to your service site supervisor to document the hours worked.
  • Send the completed and signed timesheet to Kadisia Archer at studentlife@vpcc.edu to receive the scholarship award. letter. A letter will be sent to the Business Office to have the scholarship funds credited toward your educational expenses.


Please note, funds earned in the current semester can only be used toward educational expenses and must be used within the next two semesters. For example, funds earned during a spring semester can be used toward summer or fall educational costs. Students can earn one scholarship per semester.

Alternatives, Inc.

359 Fenwick Road, Bldg 263, Fort Monroe, VA 23651

Contact: Regan Johnson 757-838-2330

RELATE (Relationship Education Leading Adolescents Toward Empowerment) Trainer to lead a dating violence prevention program (8 hours long) with 9th graders. You will work with other college students as a part of a team going into the high schools. Participating students must be willing to attend a 4-hour training.

American Red Cross

1323 West Pembroke Avenue, Hampton, VA 23661

Contact: Erika Dillard 757-434-6739

General clerical duties, disaster services, volunteering on military bases, and community fundraising.

Arts for Learning

Hampton History Museum & Mill Point Park

Contact: Aisha Noel 757-701-3905

Volunteers needed to support Hampton City Schools with set-up and other duties needed to support the Splash of the Arts event held each Saturday during the month of July from 10 am to 4 pm.

Avalon Center

Outreach Office: 3204 Ironbound Road, Williamsburg, VA 23188

Contact: Amanda Doggett 757-258-5022

Perform clerical duties, assist with childcare, and general help within the emergency shelter. Orientation required.

Bayside of Poquoson Health and Rehab

1 Vantage Drive, Poquoson, VA 23662

Contact: Gwen Floyd 757-868-9960

Activities with senior residents of the center to include bingo and crafts – flexible scheduling.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Williamsburg

312 Waller Mill Road, Suite 200, Williamsburg, VA 23185

Contact: Michell Hollins 757-253-0676

Volunteers needed for general office duties.

C. Waldo Scott Center

3100 Wickham Avenue, Newport News, VA 23607

Contact: Crystal Rainey, Volunteer Coordinator 757-244-9223

Volunteers are needed to assist children with homework and reading. Help Program Assistants with afternoon activities for the children at the Center.

Care Team Cupboard at Virginia Peninsula

Food Pantry: Room 221Q, Kecoughtan Hall

Office to contact: Student Services, Room 201, Kecoughtan Hall

Contact: Doreen Dougherty 757-825-2867 or by email to doughertyd@vpcc.edu

Volunteers will sign in students, staff, and community members who need provisions of non-perishable foods and will provide customers with a list of other local food pantries. (On-campus service requires 15 hours per semester.)

Child Development Resources

150 Point O’Woods Road, Williamsburg, VA 23188

Contact: Bertie Byrd 757-566-3300 , Ext. 518

General office duties, early child care, special events (such as an oyster roast), and other special projects as needed (such as yard work around the offices).

Child and Family Connections

Williamsburg Location: 348 McLaws Circle, Suite 1, Williamsburg, VA 23185

Hampton Location: 2021 Cunningham Drive, Suite 400, Hampton VA 23666

Contact: Michael Edmond 757-229-7940

General office duties, database entry, follow-up calls.

Community Knights Inc.

Physical Location: 733 Thimble Shouls Blvd., Ste. 170, Newport News, VA 23606
Volunteer Location: Knights of Columbus Center, 12742 Nettles Drive, Newport News, VA 23606
Contact: Lorraine SantaLucia, Volunteer Recruiter: Call/Text: 757-337-1970

Volunteers are needed for bi-weekly bingo games.

Dates: Wednesdays 5:00 – 10:30 pm / Sundays 12:00 – 5:30 pm /

Bingo Prep: Fridays & Mondays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Contact: Lorraine SantaLucia, Volunteer Recruiter at : lorrainesantalucia@communityknights.org Call/Text: 757-337-1970

Volunteers needed to serve as peer mentors for the COACH Program to support individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Training and volunteer activities are currently virtual. Contact: Cassandra Brown at cassandrabrown@communityknights.org

College Tour Guide

Kecoughtan Hall, Room 200, Hampton Campus

Contact: College Navigator campustours@vpcc.edu

Conduct college tours for prospective students and families.

Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula

2401 Aluminum Avenue, Hampton, VA 23661

Contact: Tracy Hansbrough, Volunteer Coordinator 757-596-7188 at extension 154

Sorting food and stocking shelves. Assist with special projects and/or clerical work. Help with Mobile Food Pantry.

Habitat for Humanity

371 Chatham Drive, Newport News, VA 23607

Contact: Mary Luke, Volunteer Coordinator 757-913-5664

Stocking building materials warehouse, cleaning and pricing items, Re-Store clerk – assisting customers, stocking shelves, etc. Court Orders for minor offenses.

Hampton and Newport News City Schools National External Diploma Program (NEDP)

1646 Briar field Road, Hampton, VA 23669

Contact: Nancy Companion, Coordinator 757-727-1049

Volunteers needed to assist adult students with a web-based program to earn their high school diplomas. Flexible hours.

Hampton Roads Community Action Program

Downing Gross Cultural Arts Center

2410 Wickham Ave

Newport News, VA 23607

Contact: Shawneequa Turner, 757-756-6875

Volunteers are needed for various tasks including Administrative, Marketing, and more.

Hampton and Newport News City Schools National External Diploma Program (NEDP)

1646 Briar field Road, Hampton, VA 23669

Contact: Nancy Companion, Coordinator 757-727-1049

Volunteers needed to assist adult students with a web-based program to earn their high school diplomas. Flexible hours.

Healthy Families Partnership, Inc.

100 Old Hampton Lane, Hampton, VA 23669

Contact: Allison 757 727 2731

Teen center assistance, office work, receptionist special events, and community events assistance.

Heritage Humane Society

430 Waller Mill Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185

Contact: Jennifer Lafountain 757-221-0150

Socializing with animals, walking dogs, assisting with daily cleaning of facilities, clerical duties in the main office, and special events volunteers. Orientation required. Call to register for orientation.

Housing Partnerships

115 Palace Lane, Williamsburg, VA 23185

Contact: Brandi Weiler 757-221-0225

General office duties Emergency home repairs, grass cutting for elderly and low-income residents.

Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program)

Virginia Peninsula Career Services 600 Butler Farm Road Hampton, VA 23666

Contact: Stacey Roberts Phone: 757-865-5870

Successful completion of the IRS online Tax Certification Exam is a prerequisite for participation in this volunteer program. Best suited to second-year accounting/economic majors. Local volunteerism partner site to be determined.

James City County Rescue Squad

3135 Forge Road, Toano, VA 23168

Contact: Bryan Bacon 757-566-3032

Station help, general office duties, washing vehicles.

James River Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center

540 Aberthaw Avenue

Newport News

Assist with or run various group/one-one activities for residents of the facility.

Contact: Shawn Hanberry Phone: 757-595-2273 Email shanberry@vahs.com.

Kindred Hospice

5544 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462

Contact: Dawn Conrad, Manager of Volunteer Services 757-461-0600

Needs include clerical support, bereavement volunteers, patient visitation, pet therapy visitation, other volunteers for specific needs. The manager will arrange to meet with students locally for interviews. Some training is required for various positions.

LINK (Living Interfaith Network) of Hampton Roads

10413 Warwick Blvd., Newport News, VA 23601

Contact: Quentin Hardy, Volunteer Coordinator 757-595-1953

Filing grocery bags, clerical and general office duties, mentoring elderly and youth.

Mary Immaculate Hospital

2 Bernadine Drive, Newport News, VA 23602

Contact: Stephanie Chapman 757-886-6073

Gift shop counter sales, thrift store counter sales, other duties as needed.

Meals on Wheels of Williamsburg

739 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Newport News (to sign up only)

Contact: Lisha Mullen 757-246-1905

Delivering meals to residents.

Messmer Community Services Center

312 Waller Mill Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185

Contact: Shante Bell 757-220-4249 or SBell@communityservicescenter.com

Messmer provides support for local non-profits and low-income families by providing referrals and resources to help them become self-sufficient. There are two opportunities for volunteers.

1 – Grounds work to include: help maintain grounds, weeding, mulching, and trash removal.

2 – Referral desk help to include: checking in clients, verifying ID and address, and printing organization information for clients’ needs.

New Century Hospice

11835 Fishing Point Drive, Suite 102, Newport News, VA 23606

Contact: Sherry Boone, Volunteer Coordinator 757-874-1237

Office work, recruiting volunteers, making flower arrangements and delivering to patients, sitting with clients to read or share stories, etc. Volunteer application with references will be required upon acceptance, there will be volunteer training.

Newport News Public Schools College and Career Readiness Class

Administration Building, 12465 Warwick Blvd., Newport News, VA 23606

Contact: Vickie Madison, College Prep Coordinator 757-881-5461

Tutors for high school age students in various subjects on location at any Newport News high school from 2 – 5 pm weekdays. Call for interview.

Peninsula Agency on the Aging, Inc.

739 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite 1006, Newport News, VA 23606

Contact: Gerald Patesel 757-873-0541

Clerical and general office duties, driving seniors to appointments, Meals on Wheels.

Peninsula Fine Arts Center

101 Museum Drive, Newport News, VA 23606

Contact: Camille Donne 757-596-1100 Email: cdonne@pfac-va.org

General volunteers for various duties at the center Special onsite and offsite event volunteers.

Peninsula Regional Education Program

14302 Old Courthouse Way, Newport News, VA 23602

Contact: Mary Ellen Dreybus 757-283-7830 , Ext. 38656 Email: MaryDreybus@nn.k12.va.us

Tutoring adult learners for basic skills, reading, computer, and math.

Personal Touch Home Care, Inc.

735 Thimble Shoals Blvd. Suite 130, Newport News, VA 23606

Contact: Melanie Wood 757-296-9989

Offer care and comfort to terminally ill patients and their families. We offer free and comprehensive training to all Hospice Volunteers. Looking for Patient Companion and/or Administrative Volunteers — flexible scheduling.

Student Ambassador Program

Virginia Peninsula Community College

Contact: Michelle Manfred

manfredm@vpcc.edu 757-825-3524

Refugee and Immigration Services

12284 Warwick Blvd., Suite A, Newport News, VA 23606

Contact: Suheir Diyab 757-247-3600

Helping children with homework (Free background check required), receptionist, and general clerical duties.

Riverside Convalescent Center

414 Algonquin Road, Hampton, VA 23666

Contact: Beth Dropski 757-722-9881

Hold activities with senior residents of the center — flexible scheduling Visit one on one with residents; read, watch TV, etc.

Riverside Hospice

12420 Warwick Blvd, Suite 6E, Newport News, VA 23606

Contact: Jennifer Hughes 757-594-2745

Volunteer duties include patient visitations, music/art/pet therapy visitations, bereavement volunteers, administrative/office support, and assistance with our NODA Program (no one dies alone). The coordinator will meet with students for interviews and discuss required training, background checks, and position information.

Salvation Army

1033 Big Bethel Road, Hampton, VA 23666

Contact: Jim Colston: Jim.Colston@uss.salvationarmy.org or 757-838-4875 , Ext. 104

Program assistants, bell ringers during the holiday season, general office duties.

Self Protection Awareness

301 Tower Lane, Newport News, VA 23608

Contact: Pearlie Jett 757-593-3531

General clerical duties, help with special projects.

Sentara Hospice Services

Various locations in Newport News, Hampton, and Williamsburg

Contact: Karl West 757-736-0709

Volunteer to work with patient care, bereavement support and encouragement, clerical office duties, and special events volunteers. Orientation required.

SMART-One, Inc.

Contact: Moe Beaulieu 757-256-5734

SMART-One, Inc. is a peninsula-based organization that creates challenging activities for “great kids” with special needs. One of our programs is the “SMART-SWIM” class that takes place at the York county YMCA every Sunday afternoon from 3:30 pm until 4:30 pm (you do not have to be a member of the YMCA to volunteer). We need volunteers who can give an hour a week to these terrific kids. So, if you have lifeguard training, swim team experience, or you’re simply a good swimmer. we can surely use the gift of your time and talent! This is a great way to connect with the community on a very special level.


523 J. Clyde Morris Blvd., Newport News, VA 23601

523 J. Clyde Morris Blvd., Newport News, VA 23601

Contact: Anne Carpens 757 595 1399 , Ext. 102

Volunteers must fill out an application and attend a one-hour orientation. Duties: general clerical duties, cleaning cages, tending animals

The Center for Sexual Assault Survivors

718 J. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. B, Newport News, VA 23601

Contact: Lauren Brennan, Volunteer Program and Communication Coordinator: lbrennan@visitthecenter.org or 757-599-9844

Volunteers to serve as Group Leaders, Sexual Assault Advocates, and Community Educators. Also need support for Fundraising and Special Events. Other opportunities are also available.

The Mariners’ Museum and Park

100 Museum Drive, Newport News, VA 23606

Contact: Beth Heaton, Volunteer and Internship Program Manager at 757-591-7712 or bheaton@marinersmuseum.org

Volunteer opportunities: Departmental volunteers and interns in Marketing, Digital Services, Library, Development, Visitor Services, Education, Interpretation. We also have opportunities for Event Support for events such as our Gallery Crawl, Craft Beer Festival, ARRRtober Festival, Wine Classic, History Bites.

The Virginia Living Museum

524 J. Clyde Morris Boulevard, Newport News, VA 23601

Contact: Shandran Thornburgh, Director of Volunteer Services at 757-534-7428 or volunteer@thevlm.org

A complete list of volunteer opportunities can be found on the Virginia Living Museum website under their volunteer page at https://thevlm.org/join/volunteer/

The Woods at Yorktown Community Center

2801 Old Williamsburg Road, Yorktown, VA 23690

Contact: Mignon Middleton 757-969-1567

Assist with food distributions, summer youth programs, after-school tutoring and youth activities, sports activities, and workshops to include health, nutrition, fitness, culinary and other topics for youth and adults.

Williamsburg-James City County Community Action Agency

312 Waller Mill Road, Suite 405, Williamsburg, VA 23185

Contact: Rebekah Hinson or Yaitzel Barrientos 757-229-9332

Volunteers are needed to help market the agency’s services via social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Duties include posting upcoming events and activities to social media sites and building a following on various platforms. A background check is required and may take two to three weeks to clear before volunteer service can begin.

VA Crusaders Development Center

613 RotaryStreet, Hampton, Virginia 23661

Contact: Latitia Stith – laticia.stith@gmail.com or 757-825-2449

Assist with before and after-school homework and study programs for school-aged children. Hours of Operation: 6 am – 6 pm Monday-Friday

Victory Family YMCA

101 Long Green Boulevard, Yorktown, VA 23693

Volunteer Coordinator, Victory Family YMCA, 757-867-3300.

Assist with special events, act as greeters, assist with child care, and assist with grounds and landscaping. Applicants must complete a volunteer application at the YMCA and meet with the Volunteer Coordinator before beginning volunteer hours.

Virginia Air and Space Museum

600 Settlers Landing Road, Hampton, Virginia 23669

Contact: Brandy Zaro 757-727-0900 ext. 735

General office duties, assist with school groups upon arrival, assist educators during programs, assist with activities during events, and direct visitors to locations within the center. 30-minute orientation required. Call to arrange the best time.

YMCA Hampton

1 YMCA Way, Hampton, VA 23669

Contact: Lee Grandison, Senior Program Director 757-722-9044

Volunteer opportunities can range from sports coaching, tutoring, facility maintenance, and special event participants.

YMCA Newport News

7827 Warwick Blvd., Newport News, VA 23607

Contact: Theresa Wilson 757-245-0047

Special program volunteers such as Child Watch, youth sports, membership drive.

Young Gentleman’s Club “Creating Gentlemen…One Boy at a Time”

Machen Elementary School, 20 Sacramento Drive, Hampton, VA 23666

Contact: James Earl Pope 757-646-1992

Mentoring elementary-aged boys in grades 2-5, helping with homework, and accompanying groups on field trips. The program runs after school on Wednesdays from 2 – 4:30 p.m. and some field trips on Saturdays.

Student Life & Leadership

Hampton Campus:
Kecoughtan Hall, Room 224
M-W-F: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Historic Triangle Campus:
Suite 106B
Tuesdays 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
