Academic Advisors and students

Academic Advising

Academic Advising is an active support community that empowers students to achieve their goals. Students can work with a team of professional academic advisors and faculty to gain insight regarding study programs and explore possible careers.

In-person and virtual scheduled appointments and ‘drop-in’ academic advising services are available at Virginia Peninsula Community College. Advising services are for certificate or degree-seeking students only. Review the college catalog for eligible curricular programs

Upcoming Events

Students are assigned an advisor within their academic division once they have declared a curricular program. Advisor information is available on the student’s SIS Navigate Homepage and Student Center page. If students cannot view assigned advisor information on their Navigate Homepage or Student Center page, email and include the student’s full name, 7-digit student ID number, and program of study.

College Readiness

To select the appropriate classes and prior to scheduling an appointment with your advisor, complete the Virginia Peninsula Enrollment Survey.

New Student English Course Placement
6 or more years since high school graduationInformed Self-Placement
Less than 2.0 HS GPA *Student must enroll in:
EDE 10
2.0 – 2.99 HS GPA *Student may enroll in:
ENG 111+ EDE 11
ENG 115
3.0+ HS GPA *Student may enroll in:
ENG 111
ENG 115
*High school GPA (HSGPA) is valid for five (5) years after the date of high school graduation.

CourseMinimum Placement Requirement **
EDE 101.99 or lower HS GPA
ENG 111+ EDE 112.0 – 2.99 HS GPA
ENG 1113.0+ HS GPA
ENG 1152.0+ HS GPA
** Minimum placement requirements noted above apply to students who completed high school 5 or less years ago. High school GPA (HSGPA) is valid for five (5) years after the date of high school graduation. Students who completed high school 6 or more years ago will be placed through informed self-placement.

SAT/ACT/GED Scores for English Placement ***

TestScore RangePilot Placement
SAT-ERW (Evidence-
Based Reading and
480 or above
400-470 range
Below 400
ENG 111
ENG 111+EDE 11
EDE 10
ACT-Subject Area Tests
English and Reading
18 or above
15-17 range
14 and below
ENG 111
ENG 111+EDE 11
EDE 10
GED-English165 or aboveENG 111
*** SAT, ACT and GED Test scores are valid for five (5) years after the date of the test.

Reviewed 3.25.21

New Student Math Course Placement
6+ years since high school graduationInformed Self-Placement
Less than 2.0 HS GPA*Student must enroll in:
MDE 10
2.0 – 2.99 HS GPA without HS Algebra 2 *Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133,
MTH 154+MDE 54,
MTH 155+MDE 55,
or MDE 60
2.0 – 2.99 HS GPA with HS Algebra 2*Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133,
MTH 154+MDE 54,
MTH 155+MDE 55,
or MTH 161+MDE 61
 3.0+ HS GPA without HS Algebra 2*Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133,
MTH 154,
MTH 155, or
MDE 60
 3.0+ HS GPA with HS Algebra 2*Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133,
MTH 154,
MTH 155,
MTH 161, or MTH 167
*High School GPA (HSGPA) is valid for five (5) years after the date of high school graduation.Note: Placement into non-gateway courses (e.g., MTH 162, MTH245, MTH261, and MTH 263) may be done at the discretion of the college.

CourseMinimum Placement Requirement**
MDE 101.99 or lower HS GPA
MDE 602.0+ HS GPA without HS Algebra 2
MTH 101-1332.0+ HS GPA without HS Algebra 2
MTH 154 + MDE 542.0 – 2.99 HS GPA with HS Algebra 2
MTH 1543.0+ HS GPA without HS Algebra 2
MTH 155 + MDE 552.0 – 2.99 HS GPA with HS Algebra 2
MTH 1553.0+ HS GPA without HS Algebra 2
MTH 161 + MDE 612.0 – 2.99 HS GPA with HS Algebra 2
MTH 1613.0+ HS GPA with HS Algebra 2
MTH 1623.2 HS GPA with Math Analysis 
MTH 1673.0+ HS GPA with HS Algebra 2
MTH 2453.2 HS GPA with Math Analysis or any HS Statistics
MTH 2613.2 HS GPA with Math Analysis
MTH 2633.4 HS GPA with Math Analysis / Trigonometry
**Minimum placement requirements noted above apply to student who completed high school five or less years ago. High School GPA (HS GPA) is valid for five (5) years after the date of high school graduation. Students who completed high school 6 or more years ago may be placed through informed self-placement.Note: Exceptional situations of direct placement into non-gateway courses (e.g., MTH 162, MTH 245, MTH261, and MTH 263) may be done at the discretion of the college.

Reviewed 3.25.21

Schedule Advising Appointments with Navigate

All current academic advising services are available in-person or virtually by scheduling an appointment in Navigate.

  • If you have trouble, contact the IT HelpDesk at or call 757-825-2709

Service Hours

Scheduled advising appointments are available on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays for students pursuing a certificate or degree program. New and returning students must access Navigate by logging into their myVPCC portal to schedule an appointment with an advisor.

‘Drop-In’ Advising Services

‘Drop-In’ Advising services are available every Thursday at 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. for students pursuing a certificate or degree program. New and returning students must know their student ID number to be able to check in for the Thursday Drop-In advising services. Services are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Wait times for Drop-In Advising services will vary. Drop-In advising services are available at our offices on both Hampton and Historic Triangle Campuses.

Repeating a Course

A student will be limited to two enrollments in the same credit course. Students requesting to enroll in the same course more than twice must meet with their advisor. If the student has an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher at the time of the request, the Director of Advising will approve the request. If the student does not have an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher, the request will be denied. The Director of Advising may require the student to wait until final grades are posted from the previous term to insure the 2.0 GPA has been achieved.

Course repeat requests must be received no later than three business days prior to the start of the requested session start date. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for session start dates.