This page is used to provide additional information related to Virginia Peninsula Community College Gator Alerts/Notifications as determined necesary, appropraite, and/or as they are available. To learn more about Gator Alerts, visit VPCC Gator Alert Notification/Communication System.
Active Alerts/Notifications
18 February 2022 – Inclement Weather Modified Operations
VPCC Gator Alert: VPCC will modify operations due to winter weather on Feb. 19th and 20th. More information at Employees should check their VPCC email and students should check Canvas and their individual courses for additional information.
Additional Information in Email and Canvas:
Due to the potential impacts of a significant winter weather event this week, Virginia Peninsula Community College is acting out of an abundance of caution and care for our VPCC Gator Family and is closing all campuses and educational sites. The College will transition to remote operations and learning on Wednesday, February 19 and Thursday, February 20, 2025, as follows:
The College will be operating fully remotely. Classes and services will continue online, but buildings are closed (except for designated/essential personnel).
All non-essential full-time employees are expected to telework as directed by their supervisor.
No on campuses will be held, remote learning will be implemented, students should check Canvas or contact thier faculty member for additional course information and expectations.
College officials will continue to monitor the weather closely and will provide operational and educational status updates as necesary and appropriate. Please check your e-mail regularly for updates and monitor VPCC Gator Alert.
Not receiving VPCC Gator Alerts, visit the VPCC Gatopr Alert Notification System link at the top of this page.
Archived Alerts/Notifications
22 January 2025 – College Reopening Alert (College Reopening 23 January 2025)
VPCC Gator Alert: COLLEGE REOPENING: All VPCC Campuses and Education Sites previously closed are reopening tomorrow, 23 January 2025 and returning to normal schedules and operations.
Employees check your email for additional information.
22 January 2025 – Weather Alert (College Closed Today)
VPCC GATOR ALERT: INCLEMENT WX: Due to the impacts of inclement weather, all Virginia Peninsula Community College campuses are closed today. All classes, events, and/or activities are cancelled. Essential employees report in accordance with schedule information provided by your supervisor.
SACSCOC advisory visit activities will be conducted virtually for those who would like to participate.
21 January 2025 10:26 AM – Weather Alert (College Closed, January 22, 2025)
VPCC GATOR ALERT: INCLEMENT WX: Due to the inclement weather, all Virginia Peninsula Community College campuses are closed tomorrow, January 22, 2025. All classes, events, and/or activities are cancelled. Essential employees report in accordance with schedule information provided by your supervisor. Not receiving VPCC Gator Alerts, visit the VPCC Gatopr Alert Notification System link at the top of this page.
SACSCOC advisory visit activities will be conducted virtually for those who would like to participate.
7 January 2025: 8:17 AM- Weather Alert (College Opening at 10:00 AM)
Due to the inclement weather that impacted much of the area, all VPCC campuses and educational sites will open today, 7 January 2025, at 10:00 AM. Not receiving VPCC Gator Alerts, visit the VPCC Gatopr Alert Notification System link at the top of this page.
6 January 2025: 5:15 PM- Weather Alert (Delayed Opening 7 January 2025)
Due to the potential for additional inclement weather, as a precautionary measure, all VPCC campuses and educational sites will delay opening tomorrow, 7 January 2025. All campuses and educational sites are scheduled to open at 10:00 AM tomorrow (7 January 2025). College officials will continue to monitor the situation and additional updates will be provided via VPCC Gator Alert and on this webpage. Not receiving VPCC Gator Alerts, visit the VPCC Gatopr Alert Notification System link at the top of this page.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to check thier email for additional information regarding meeting and/or event schedules.
VPCC GATOR ALERT: INCLEMENT WX: All Virginia Peninsula Community College campuses and educational sites will open tomorrow at 10:00 AM. All classes, events, and/or activities scheduled after opening will be conducted as scheduled. Employees report in accordance with schedule information provided by your supervisor.
6 January 2025: 8:12 AM- Weather Alert (College Opening at 10:00 AM)
Due to the inclement weather that impacted much of the area, all VPCC campuses and educational sites will open today, 6 January 2025, at 10:00 AM. Not receiving VPCC Gator Alerts, visit the VPCC Gatopr Alert Notification System link at the top of this page.
5 January 2025: 3:16 PM- Weather Alert (Delayed Opening 6 January 2025)
Due to the potential for inclement weather, as a precautionary measure, all VPCC campuses and educational sites will delay opening tomorrow, 6 January 2025. All campuses and educational sites are scheduled to open at 10:00 AM tomorrow (6 January 2025). College officials will continue to monitor the situation and additional updates will be provided via VPCC Gator Alert and on this webpage. Not receiving VPCC Gator Alerts, visit the VPCC Gatopr Alert Notification System link at the top of this page.
VPCC GATOR ALERT: INCLEMENT WX: All Virginia Peninsula Community College campuses and educational sites will open tomorrow at 10:00 AM. All classes, events, and/or activities scheduled after opening will be conducted as scheduled. Employees report in accordance with schedule information provided by your supervisor.