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Policy & Consumer Information

College policy is maintained in the Administrative Policy ManualStudent Handbook, and College Catalog.

Institutional Profile

The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) has created an institutional profile for Virginia Peninsula that includes general information on our students and their educational outcomes.

Student Achievement

Goals for student achievement and the success of students in achieving those goals.

United States Department of Education requires colleges and universities to provide students and employees access to certain information to which they are entitled as consumers. Each category of information can be located as indicated in the chart below.

Communication of Consumer Information

Consumer Information

Where Available

Student Records

  • Procedures for inspecting and reviewing of student’s education records
  • Procedures for amending student records
  • Procedures for disclosing student’s educational records

Procedures for filing a complaint to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Inspector General, and State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Financial Assistance & Disclosure

  • A list of all available federal, state, local, private, and institutional financial need-based and non-need-based assistance programs
  • The application procedures, eligibility criteria, method and frequency of disbursements, terms of loans, general conditions, and exit counseling information for these assistance programs
  • Title and availability of Virginia Peninsula staff responsible for the dissemination of institutional and financial assistance disclosure information and how to contact them

Tuition costs & Fees
Tuition and Fees (direct cost of attending the College)

Withdrawing from the College & Refund policy

  • Refund policy
  • Grant or loan return or repayment procedures for withdrawn students
  • Requirements for officially withdrawing from the College

Academic Programs
Academic programs information

Organizations that accredit, license, or approve the College and its programs. Procedures for reviewing schools’ accreditation, licensing, or approval documentation

Students with Disabilities
Description of any special services and facilities for disabled students

Crime Reports
Campus security report. The Annual Security Report includes statistics concerning crimes on College property. The report includes institutional policies on campus security, alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters.