

Commencement is a time to celebrate our graduating students’ hard work, dedication, and achievements. It marks the culmination of academic journeys and the beginning of new opportunities. Whether you’re a graduate, family member, or friend, this page provides all the essential information about the ceremony, including dates, times, locations, and important guidelines.

This year’s Commencement Ceremony is scheduled to take place on May 15, 2025, at 2 p.m. at the Hampton Coliseum — 1000 Coliseum Dr. Hampton, VA 23666.

Following Commencement, the Office of Enrollment Management will distribute Degrees, Certificates, and Career Studies Certificates approximately 10 weeks after each semester ends. The graduate will be notified via their VCCS email that their degree or certificate has been mailed.

Ensure that we have the correct address on record by checking your Student Center in myVPCC.

Preparing for Graduation

Students should begin preparing for graduation prior to their final semester/session at VPCC by ensuring that the classes they are enrolled in complete the requirements of their program. We have created this Checklist for Graduation to help guide you:

  • Review your Academic Requirement for degree progress and schedule a meeting with your Academic Advisor.
  • Submit your Application for Graduation available in SIS
  • Adhere to the application deadlines (applications are available 2 months prior)
    • Fall – September 15
    • Spring – February 15
    • Summer – May 15

Check your VCCS email account for communication from our Graduation Specialist.

General Requirements for Graduation

The following are criteria required for graduation from Virginia Peninsula Community College:

  • Met graduation requirements as described in the catalog of record. A student must have successfully completed all requirements listed in the catalog of record. Substitutions must be approved by the division dean.
    • Following Commencement, the Office of Enrollment Management shall distribute Degrees, Certificates, and Career Studies Certificates approximately 10 weeks after each semester ends. The graduate will be notified via their VCCS email that their degree or certificate has been mailed.
    • Ensure that we have the correct address on record by checking your Student Center in MyVPCC.The catalog to be used in determining graduation requirements is the one in effect at the time of the student’s initial program placement into the curriculum, or any subsequent catalog of the student’s choice. The catalog to be used in certifying the student’s graduation shall have been in effect no more than seven years prior to the time of graduation.
  • Been recommended for graduation by the appropriate instructional authority in their curriculum.
  • Completed all course and credit-hour requirements applicable to an associate degree. At least 25% of credit semester hours must be acquired at the college.
  • Met the general education competency requirements.
  • Earned a grade point average of at least 2.0 on all coursework applicable toward graduation in their curriculum.
  • Participated in additional activities of the academic program as required. Some academic programs may choose to require students to take part in exit interviews, to complete surveys, to take license exams, to prepare portfolios or to complete some other activity to demonstrate the acquisition of programs.
  • Applied online for graduation via myVPCC by the required deadline.
  • Resolved all financial obligations to the college and returned all materials, including library books.

Note : Specific graduation requirements for students completing an Associate degree, certificate, or the Career Studies Certificate can be found in our current catalog.

Second Degree or Certificate: In awarding students an additional certificate or degree, the college may grant credit for all previously completed applicable courses that are requirements of the additional certificate or degree. However, the awards must differ from one another by at least 25% of the credits required in the curricula.

  • Review your Academic Requirement for degree progress and schedule a meeting with your Academic Advisor.
  • Submit your Application for Graduation available in SIS
  • Adhere to the application deadlines (applications are available 2 months prior)
    • Fall – September 15
    • Spring – February 15
    • Summer – May 15

Check your VCCS email account for communication from our Graduation Specialist.

Important Dates