VPCC utilizes technology that allows us to do a financial aid course audit to better inform you about the impact your course selection has on your award. You will receive a notification within your myVPCC student self-service portal about financial aid eligibility for each class shortly after you register instead of having your award recalculated to exclude ineligible courses after the add/drop date when it’s too late to drop them. Our hope is that by providing you with this information in advance, you will be able to better plan your academic career, select courses that apply to your program, and complete your degree or certificate in a more timely fashion.
- Federal regulations have always dictated that students may only receive financial aid for courses that apply toward their degree or certificate program. This is not a new rule – we have improved communications and added a tool to help you be better informed about your course selections.
- You are able to view the eligibility of your courses shortly after you enroll by logging into the Student Center of our Student Information System.
- Additionally, you will receive messages in your Student Center that identify courses that are not eligible for aid.
- If you choose to remain enrolled in an ineligible course you will be responsible for paying the associated tuition, fees, and book expenses regardless of whether you are receiving aid for eligible courses or not.
What you should do
- Be proactive. Discuss your academic and career goals with your advisor. Make sure that you are enrolled in the program that best aligns with these goals.
- Register for courses that apply to the program(s) you have chosen to maximize your award and achieve your goals sooner.
- If you registered for an ineligible course and wish to take it despite not having financial aid awarded for the course, pay for it by the payment deadline to prevent it from getting dropped for non-payment.
- Contact the Financial Aid Office if you have any questions about your eligibility.