
Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services Minutes for February 21, 2024

Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services (CISS) Committee
February 21, 2024
4:30 – 5:30 PM
521 Butler Farm Rd., Hampton, VA 23666
Hampton IV Building, Room 4228

VPCC College Board Members Present: Dr. Jonathan Romero, Mr. Stephen Ferguson,
Dr. Keisha Melvin, and Dr. Vince Warren.

VPCC Staff Present:   Dr. Joseph Fairchild and Ms. Daniela Cigularova.

Notes recorded by:      Angela Robinson

  1. Call to Order

Following a welcome Dr. Romero called the meeting to order at 4:31 PM.  It was established that the college board committee members in attendance formed a quorum and the meeting proceeded.

  1. Review of November 28, 2023, CISS Committee Meeting Minutes

The recommendation was made to review and approve the CISS committee meeting minutes recorded on November 28, 2023.  After a review, Dr. Warren made a motion to approve, which was seconded by Mr. Ferguson and the Virginia Peninsula Community College board members approved the November 28 minutes, as presented.

  1. Program Updates
  1. Dental Hygiene (tabled)
  2. Nursing
  • VBON (Virginia Board of Nursing) Review
  • NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) Report

Dr. Joseph Fairchild, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs presented results
of the VBON review which indicates that Virginia Peninsula Community College’s Nursing Program remains fully accredited.  Dr. Fairchild also reported on the implementation plan to increase student success rates compliant with NCLEX standards with a recommendation that the Director of Allied Health, Ms. Jenni Jones will bring forth a more detailed report to the full college board.  Following some additional discussion the Virginia Peninsula Community College Board acknowledges all program updates, as presented.

  1. Enrollment Management Services Report
  • VPCC’s Partnership with Timely Care

Daniela Cigularova, Vice President of Enrollment Management Services and Student Success facilitated a brief PowerPoint presentation announcing VPCC’s partnership with Timely Care, a virtual health & wellbeing provider for college and university students.  The launch of these new grant funded services for students kicks off in March 2024.  Timely Care is a VCCS contracted provider and is currently available to students at 19 of the colleges within the Virginia Community College System. 
The board members held a discussion and requested specific data on Timely Care’s HIPAA compliance.  The Timely Care providers maintain confidentiality by collecting data related only to the quantity of students accessing the services.  The Virginia Peninsula Community College board acknowledges the Timely Care partnership, as presented.

Additional Topics:

At the February 14 meeting, Dr. Ragno announced a staff change within the PSAHHS Division and introduced the Interim Dean, Ms. Michelle Alexander.

At 5:08 PM the meeting adjourned.

The next CISS Committee meeting convenes virtually and is scheduled on March 13, 2024.  The March committee meeting is a special session and not part of the regular schedule.  The agenda is to review and approve curriculum advisory committee membership and curriculum proposals.  The special meeting will be communicated through a Public Notice.

Respectfully submitted by,
Angela Robinson