Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services (CISS) Committee
March 13, 2024
5:00 – 6:00 PM
Special Meeting (Virtual) 2 of 2 for AY 2023-24
VPCC College Board Members Present: Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren,
Dr. Keisha Melvin, Mr. Stephen Ferguson, and Ms. Izabela Cieszynski.
VPCC Staff Present: Dr. Kerry Ragno, Dr. Joseph Fairchild, Michelle Alexander, and Dave Coffey.
Notes recorded by: Angela Robinson
- Call to Order
Following a welcome Dr. Romero called the meeting to order at 5:02 PM. It was established that the college board members in attendance formed a quorum and the meeting proceeded with Dr. Vince Warren presiding.
- Review of February 21, 2024, CISS Committee Meeting Minutes
The recommendation was made to review and approve the CISS committee meeting minutes recorded on February 21, 2024. After review, a motion was made to approve by Stephen Ferguson, seconded by Dr. Romero and the Virginia Peninsula Community College board members approved the minutes, as presented.
- Program Name Change from AAS Administration of Justice (400) to AAS Criminal Justice (400) effective Fall 2024
February 15, 2024, Curriculum Committee
The floor was open for discussion following a brief statement given by Program Chair, Dave Coffey and Interim PSAHHS Division Dean, Michelle Alexander announcing the curriculum committee’s adoption of a program name change proposed by VCCS in collaboration with the TransferVA initiative which retitles the AAS Administration of Justice (400) Program to AAS Criminal Justice Program (400) effective Fall 2024. The board members inquired about program changes and were informed that at this time the course content is not undergoing any revision and college board approval is solely required acknowledging the curriculum committee’s adoption of the program name change only. The board members requested that the CISS meeting agenda be modified reflecting a program name change only. The motion approving the program name change was made by Dr. Romero, seconded by Mr. Ferguson and the Virginia Peninsula Community College board approved the program name change, as presented.
- Program Name Change from CSC Administration of Justice (221-400-01) to CSC Criminal Justice (221-400-01) effective Fall 2024
February 15, 2024, Curriculum Committee
The floor was open for discussion following a brief statement given by Program Chair, Dave Coffey and Interim PSAHHS Division Dean, Michelle Alexander announcing the curriculum committee’s adoption of a program name change proposed by VCCS in collaboration with the TransferVA initiative which retitles the CSC Administration of Justice (221-400-01) Program to CSC Criminal Justice (221-400-01) effective Fall 2024. The board members inquired about program changes and were informed that at this time the course content is not undergoing any revision and college board approval is solely required acknowledging the curriculum committee’s adoption of the program name change only. The board members requested that the CISS meeting agenda be modified reflecting a program name change only. The motion approving the program name change was made by Mr. Ferguson, seconded by Dr. Romero and the Virginia Peninsula Community College board approved the program name change, as presented.
- Program Discontinuance: (CSC) Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (221-285-89)
February 15, 2024, Curriculum Committee
Following a discussion led by Int. PSAHHS Division Dean, Michelle Alexander who explained that the program is no longer needed due to students never completing courses. The board was informed that Advisors are offering students the option to either re-enroll in programs which better align with their goals or to complete similar certification programs through Workforce Development. The motion approving the curriculum committee’s recommendation to discontinue the (CSC) Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (221-285-89) Program was made by Mr. Ferguson, seconded by Dr. Melvin and the Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approved the program discontinuance, as presented.
- Curriculum Advisory Committee Membership Approval
February 15, 2024, Curriculum Committee
Dr. Ragno presented the 2024-2025 Curriculum Advisory Committee Membership directories represented by each academic division’s programs. Curriculum advisory committees are primarily reviewed by Program Chairs, Division Deans and Directors. These advisory committees require CISS Committee approval followed by confirmation from the full college board. Additionally, Dr. Ragno explained the removal of the Allied Health Education as well as the Public Safety Education steering committees which were not degree program specific. The motion approving the 2024-25 curriculum advisory membership and acknowledging removal of the Allied Health Education & Public Safety Education Steering Committees was made by Mr. Ferguson, seconded by Dr. Romero, and the Virginia Peninsula Community College Board approved both items, as presented.
Dr. Ragno announced that March 13 is the 2nd and final virtual meeting for Academic Year 2023-24 and that the remaining CISS Committee meetings will convene in person in the Hampton IV Building, Room 4219. The committee’s 100% participation is appreciated today and going forward. A status update for the Dental Hygiene Program will be presented at the April 10 CISS Committee meeting.
Dr. Warren confirmed no additional actions, business, or topics of discussion and
at 5:21 PM the meeting adjourned.
The next CISS Committee meeting date is April 10, 2024 at 5:00 PM and will be communicated through a Public Notice.
Respectfully submitted by,
Angela Robinson