Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services (CISS) Committee
May 8, 2024,
5:00 – 6:00 PM
Hampton IV, Room 4226
VPCC College Board Members Present: Dr. Jonathan Romero, Dr. Vince Warren, Dr. Keisha Melvin (via Zoom), and Mr. Stephen Ferguson.
VPCC Staff Present: Dr. Kerry Ragno, Dr. Joseph Fairchild, Daniela Cigularova, and Sonja Vega.
Notes recorded by: Angela Robinson
- Call to Order
Following a welcome Dr. Romero called the meeting to order at 5:06 PM. It was established that the committee members in attendance formed a quorum and the meeting proceeded.
- Review of April 10, 2024, CISS Committee Meeting Minutes
The recommendation was made to review and approve the CISS committee meeting minutes recorded on April 10, 2024. After review, Stephen Ferguson made a motion to approve, the motion was seconded by Dr. Warren, and the Virginia Peninsula Community College CISS committee approved the minutes, as presented.
- Program Discontinuance: AAS Electronics Technology (981)
Dr. Joseph Fairchild, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs presented an overview clarifying the program discontinuance which is based on CIP code regulations that specify a required closing of the formerly named AAS Electronics Technology (981) Program now reopened and more appropriately named Electrical Engineering Technology. In this circumstance students are already successfully transferred to Electrical Engineering Technology, the program is currently in progress, and no teach out plan is needed. The Electrical Engineering Technology Program better reflects program content which congeals with G3 and TransferVA initiatives. The Virginia Peninsula Community College CISS committee members acknowledged the program discontinuance, as presented.
- Student and Faculty Handbook Updates
Daniela Cigularova, Vice President of Enrollment Management Services and Sonja Vega, Great Expectations Coach presented an update on the status of revisions to the Student Handbook. Dr. Kerry Ragno presented an update on the status of the revisions to the Faculty Handbook.
Student and Faculty Handbook Updates, continued
The Virginia Community College CISS committee members acknowledged the faculty and student handbook update information, as presented.
Dr. Romero confirmed no additional actions or announcements.
The next CISS Committee meeting is August 14, 2024, at 5:00 PM and convenes on the Hampton campus of Virginia Peninsula Community College in Hampton IV, Room 4219. A Public Notice will be communicated and published online at
Dr. Romero called the meeting adjourned at 5:28 PM.
Respectfully submitted by,
Angela Robinson