
Local Board Executive Committee Minutes for September 25, 2024

Local College Board
Meeting Minutes of the Executive Committee
September 25, 2024
5:30 PM

Hampton IV – Room 4226

1. Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Dr. Vince Warren at 5:40 p.m.

2. Roll Call:

Present: Mr. David Durham (virtual), Mr. Joseph Fuentes, Dr. Joyce Jarrett, Dr. Vince Warren
Absent: Dr. Keisha Melvin
Secretary: Dr. Porter Brannon
Recorder: Barbara Mason

3. Ad Hoc Committee To Update The Board Policy Manual

Mr. Fuentes has agreed to lead the effort to update the Board Policy Manual.  The approach to updating the manual will include two board members and one staff member for this work. Dr. Vince Warren, Chair will determine the second board member and Dr. Brannon will identify a staff member.

4. Process to approve the Student Code of Conduct

The State Board for Community Colleges reviewed and approved all 23 colleges Code of Conduct at their September meeting.

The System Office is working on creating one Code of Conduct that will be used by all 23 VCCS Colleges and this will be approved by the State Board for Community Colleges.

5. Proposed Quarterly Meeting Dates for 2025

Dr. Brannon and Dr. Warren discussed the idea of reducing the College Board meeting dates from six annually to four annually.  The calendar would include six proposed meeting dates; however, two would be scheduled as optional meetings and if not needed there would be an option to cancel the meeting.

Since 2025 is the College’s SACSCOC reaffirmation year it was decided that five meetings would be appropriate with an option to remove the December meeting if it was not needed.

Chairs of the two committees would continue to meet with their college staff liaison every other month to stay informed and updated on college matters.

6. Discuss Meeting Times for CISS and Facilities and Finance Committees

Dr. Warren and the two committee chairs (Dr. Melvin and Ed Durham) discussed the scheduling and timing of committee meetings.  It was recommended that the committees meet the night of the board meeting from 4:30 -5:45 p.m. (to include dinner in their meeting) and have the full board meeting begin at 6 p.m.  This change would provide board members who are working to attend one meeting night versus two and would most likely ensure that a quorum would be made for the sub-committees.

There was some concern that this option may not allow for substantive discussion when both meetings are held on the same night.  Committees could call special virtual meetings to discuss additional or pressing items.

7. Annual Board Retreat

It was shared that an Annual Board Retreat is valuable for all board members and provides good camaraderie.

Discussion took place regarding the best time for an annual College Board Retreat.  One option would be to take time from two scheduled board meetings to use for retreat time or take the time during one of the “optionally scheduled” board meetings.

It was discussed that an info session for our upcoming SACSCOC visit may be an asset to our board members and this could be in place of the Annual Retreat.

8. Update Regarding the President’s Annual Evaluation

Dr. Brannon shared a handout on the Responsibilities of the President and provided an overview of the changes to the president’s annual evaluation.  The president will continue to write a self-assessment and provide evidence of the responsibilities of the president as outlined in the VCCS Policy Manual. Board members will be asked to complete a survey on their college president and provide a score for each area.  The board members will be required to provide rational about why they chose each score.  The surveys will go to the System Office for data evaluation.

The Executive Committee discussed the new process and there is some concern with the rating system. A board member can refuse to take the survey; however, Dr. Brannon asked the Executive Committee to encourage all board members to complete the survey when it becomes available in the spring.

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.

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