Officials Promote 2020 Census Jobs and Encourage Participation

Thomas Nelson officials are pleased to partner with the U.S. Census Bureau to promote participation in the 2020 Census among students and College personnel while also spreading the word about job opportunities in Hampton and Newport News for students.

The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting thousands of workers for temporary jobs available nationwide in advance of the 2020 Census. The 2020 Census Jobs website allows those interested to apply for numerous positions including recruiting assistants, office operations supervisors, clerks, census field supervisors and census takers.

The positions offer competitive pay and flexible work hours -- days, evenings and weekends. Applicants must be U.S citizens at least 18 years old with valid Social Security numbers.

For more information about field or office positions, visit the 2020 Census Jobs page, or call 1-855-JOB-2020. For information about professional and management positions, visit

Get Ready for the 2020 Census: The United States has undertaken the monumental task of counting its citizens every 10 years since 1790. Here's how you can help. In March, you will receive an invitation to respond to the 2020 Census. Responding is easier than ever this year as you can reply online, by phone or by mail.

If you don't take the census in March, you will be contacted by phone and in person, if necessary, by a U.S. Census worker visiting your home at some point in April.

Your response is extremely important. You must count every person living in your home on April 1, including infants and grandparents, citizens and non-citizens, family members and non-family members.

The census determines how millions of dollars in federal funding will get distributed over the next 10 years. For every person who doesn't take the census, a city or county loses thousands of dollars. The census also determines representation in Congress. It is critical for every person to be counted.

Visit your city or county's official government website (i.e.,, and etc.) for details on your locality's efforts to promote the 2020 Census.