VCCS Professional Development Grant up to $2500 Available

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The Virginia Community College System offers funding up to $2,500 through the Paul Lee Professional Development Grant Program. Full-time and adjunct faculty may apply, individually or collaboratively. And, classified staff may be listed as co-applicants.

Applications for spring 2021 projects are due Sept. 15.

Before proceeding, applicants must get approval from their dean or department head. Terry Wagner, Thomas Nelson's Grants Program manager, must be notified of the intent to apply as she can help guide preparation if needed. Reach Wagner at

Click HERE for details on how to apply and more.

Grants are available for:

  • Discipline development - builds knowledge and skills within the academic discipline or professional specialty.
  • Instructional development - improves classroom teaching, learning, and assessment techniques.
  • Career development - provides tools for effective personal planning to improve the quality of work and life.
  • Organizational development - enhances administrative and leadership skills to fulfill the institutional mission of the community college.

The Paul Lee Professional Development Grant program also offers mini-grants up to $1,500. The mini-grant funds group activities such as day conferences, in-service activities and workshops involving at least two or more VCCS schools in preparation, implementation and attendance.

All VCCS employees are welcome to apply by clicking here.

This mini-grant initiative encourages regional proposals, duplication of successful programs in other regions, and programs aligned to Complete 2021. Focusshould be onthe following areas: discipline, instructional, workforce, career and organizational development.

A maximum of one professional development grant and one workshop mini-grant can be awarded per person per funding cycle.

Don't miss these funding opportunities. Start your application process today.