Food Pantry Distribution Held at Hampton III Building

Image for Food Pantry Distribution Held at Hampton III Building

Seth Fisher (left) and Betsy Harrison were among those distributing groceries from the food pantry last week.

On Sept. 14, a group of administrators gathered in front of the Hampton III Building making distributions from the College's food pantry. It was the first such activity for the food pantry since early spring.

"We've had very appreciative people," said Betsy Harrison, the Dean of Student Services and Student Affairs.

She was joined by Interim President Dr. Greg DeCinque; Richard Hurst, the College's Disability Support Services coordinator; and academic advisers Seth Fisher and David Lannon.

Distributions from the College's food pantry, which was serving anywhere from 250-450 students and staff a month before the pandemic, were put on hold in the spring because of the coronavirus pandemic. But with monetary donations still coming in, the pantry was filling up. Harrison thought a drive-up pantry would be a good idea.

"There was no driving force," she said about the event. "We knew we wanted to get back into it."

In the spring, shortly after the shift to all online classes, there was a drive-up pantry behind Wythe and Griffin halls.

"We had lots and lots of people, but we had issues," Harrison said. "People had to have gloves and masks and all these things that back in March we didn't have."

Still, more than 300 people were served in the two weeks it was held, so Harrison knew it was an important service. She decided to load up a few cars, park them up in front of the Hampton III Building, and give away food. It was a success, so look for another one soon.

"We're going to do it (again)," she said. "I don't know what kind of time frame we'll be on. I'd certainly like to see once a month, if not maybe more than that."

Check your student email for an announcement on the details of the next food pantry distribution.