Veterans Events Begin on 'BIONIC' I Care Day

Image for Veterans Events Begin on 'BIONIC' I Care Day

Veterans Day isn't until Nov. 11, but Veteran Services at Thomas Nelson is participating in its first event of the academic year Sept. 9, which is BIONIC I Care day.

"We're going to be performing nine random acts of thanks, and that's going to be for various businesses in the community, and also a few employees at Thomas Nelson," said Brandie Weaver, the College's Veteran Services manager.

BIONIC I Care day was formed in Colorado in response to the Columbine High School shooting April 20, 1999. BIONIC stands for "Believe it or not, I care." According to its website and brochure, it's "a school organization to help fellow students, families, and staff through challenging times." The organization challenges people, on Sept. 9 (9/9), "for nine hours to do one nice thing each hour for someone else."

"It's a great thing," Weaver said. "So we are participating in that this year."

She said the businesses and employees being honored will receive a gift "in appreciation for what they've done for Thomas Nelson and the external community."

Also, this week, Veteran Services will announce the events it has planned for Nov. 11 and Nov. 13 to commemorate Veterans Day. Among the events scheduled is virtual meeting at 11 a.m. on Nov. 11 (11/11).

"We are going to have a guest speaker on Zoom," Weaver said. "We're still ironing out the plans for Nov. 11 so we don't want to release too much information."

A virtual Military Family Night is scheduled for Nov. 13, complete with a DJ.

"People will be more than welcome to join in on Zoom, and have military appreciation at their house," Weaver said. "We're going to encourage them to post pictures."

Last year, one of the more successful events was a walk for veterans, and that will be back this year. Details for the 10,000 Steps for Veterans will be released this week, but Weaver said students, staff, faculty and the community will be encouraged to participate. She's trying to have a Volksmarch with it.

"We've got some good things planned," Weaver said. "I'm excited."