Employees Receive State Service Awards

Nearly two dozen Thomas Nelson employees received service awards from the state last week. The awards were based on cumulative years of service to the Commonwealth of Virginia, and came with a certificate and gift. They were based on service of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years.

The recipients were:

5 years: Angela Brightmon (Human Resources), Linda Savage (Plant Services), Paulette Temple (Career Services), Mark Wright (Emergency Medical Services and Fire Science), Christopher Young (Emergency Medical Services and Fire Science).

10 years: Shanda Barnes (Enrollment Management), Beth A. Dickens (STEM division), Barbara Guinn (STEM division), Michelle Hanson-Hart (Student Activities), David McClenney (STEM division), Melanie McNall (Human Resources), Cecil Overton (Public Safety, Allied Health and Human Services), Lisa Tuckey (STEM division), Dennis Weygand (STEM division).

15 years: Terry Brown (Business Office), Patrina Moore (Information Technology), Cyndy Somerset (Administrative Support Technology).

20 years: Kim Allen (Academic Affairs), Cheryl Sparrow (Business Office).

25 years: Paige Crowther (Business Office), Monette Dutch (Student Success), Glen Spruill (Campus Police).