Women Inspiring Women: Dr. Porter-Brannon

Image for Women Inspiring Women: Dr. Porter-Brannon

The woman who inspired me the most is my grandmother, Gwendolyn Pryce. During my childhood, she insisted that I could be anything that I wanted to be. She supported all my dreams, no matter how outlandish they were. She encouraged me to be independent and to blaze my own path. There was no challenge that she couldn't overcome and she would never let me start a sentence with the words, "I can't". Most importantly, she was loving and incredibly generous. Her best advice was:

  1. "No matter what you, do it well."
  2. "Failure means you get to try again"
  3. "All you have in life is your reputation"
  4. "Do good, even when no one is watching."
  5. "No excuses"


In the photo: Future Dr. Brannon (in blue) with grandmother and little sister.