Encourage Students to Take Online Student Engagement Survey

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This spring Thomas Nelson Community College will participate in the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), a national survey of institutional practices and student behaviors during the spring term. CCSSE is an initiative of the Center for Community College Student Engagement at The University of Texas at Austin. CCSSE results will help us better understand our students' college experiences.

As this online survey will be administered to our students during the term, if you are an instructor or are a staff member who interacts with students, please encourage your students to complete CCSSE.

To learn more about CCSSE, visit www.ccsse.org, or contact the Center for Community College Student Engagement at (512) 471-6807 or info@cccse.org.

If you have questions specific to Thomas Nelson and our own administration of the survey, please contact Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness Steven Felker at research@tncc.edu.