Resolution of the Faculty Senate of Virginia on Violence and Racism against Asian American and Pacific Islanders Communities

Image for Resolution of the Faculty Senate of Virginia on Violence and Racism against Asian American and Pacific Islanders Communities

The Thomas Nelson community stands with the Faculty Senate of Virginia in condemning the violence and racism against Asians and Asian American and Pacific Islanders. The College's Faculty Senate President Patrick K. Smith shared a new resolution by the Faculty Senate of Virginia which reads:


Resolution of the Faculty Senate of Virginia on Violence and Racism against Asian American and Pacific Islanders Communities

Whereas representing the faculty of higher education institutions across the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Faculty Senate of Virginia (FSVA) values diversity, equality, peace, and justice,

Whereas recent violence against Asians and Asian Americans during the COVID pandemic, including shootings at Asian-owned businesses in Atlanta where six of eight shooting victims were Asian women, has inspired fear in the Asian American community,

Whereas violence, racism, and discrimination against Asians and Asian Americans are deep-rooted, long-lasting, and overlooked by society,

Whereas the systemic and invisible racism and discrimination against Asians and Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have affected every aspect of American life including in American higher education,

Be it resolved that We, the FSVA, strongly condemn the violence and racism against Asians and Asian American and Pacific Islanders and urge each higher education institution in Virginia (1) to denounce officially anti-Asian violence, rhetoric and actions, and racism, (2) to take steps to ensure all students, faculty, and staff members of Asian descent feel both safe and welcome in their university/college community, (3) to ensure any case of hatred, bias, or discrimination against any person of Asian descent is promptly reported, fully investigated, and effectively corrected, and (4) to confirm there is no bias or discrimination against people of Asian descent in faculty and staff hiring, salary and benefits, work support, evaluation, and promotion including to leadership positions.

Be it further resolved that We, the FSVA, urge the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) to endorse the American Council of Learned Societies' call for "educators, lawmakers, and community leaders to take this moment to listen closely to Asian and Asian-American voices and work with them in stemming this latest scourge of prejudice and violence."

And be it finally resolved that We, the FSVA, join other professional organizations in the call for all Americans-especially our political, economic, and community leaders-to work diligently to address anti-Asian racism and immediately seek measures to eradicate it.