Don't Ignore Signs of Heat Distress

Image for Don't Ignore Signs of Heat Distress 

Now that summer has arrived, College safety officials urge everyone to be on watch for the three "Ds" associated with heat illness -- dizziness, dehydration or disorientation. Prolonged exposure to the summer heat can cause these symptoms.

Medical experts say other symptoms may also occur including dry, hot skin with no sweating; seizures or convulsions; upset stomach or vomiting and weakness. Heat illness involves the body's inability to cool its core temperature down by sweating leading to serious conditions such as heat stress, heat exhaustion or heat stroke, a more severe condition that can cause permanent disabilities or death, according to experts.

If you recognize that someone is suffering from heat stress, taking the following steps may prevent tragedy:

  • Call 911 or 3511 on campus,
  • Move the individual to a cool shaded or air-conditioned area,
  • Administer First Aid, if knowledgeable of procedures,
  • Apply cool, moist cloth to the front of the individual's neck, and
  • Provide cool drinking water. However, never give water to someone who is unconscious.

While expressing best wishes for a safe and pleasant summer, officials also advise staying hydrated and taking appropriate work and rest cycles is essential.