Free COVID Vaccination Clinics Scheduled on Campus

Image for Free COVID Vaccination Clinics Scheduled on Campus

Thomas Nelson Community College in collaboration with the Riverside Health System is pleased to offer free COVID-19 vaccine clinics at campuses in Hampton and Williamsburg. The clinics are open to students, faculty, staff and community members.

While coordinators encourage pre-registration, on-site registration will be available. Walk-ins will also be welcomed. Coordinators anticipate that each clinic will have a single-dose vaccine and a two-dose vaccine available. However, actual vaccine on site will depend upon the availability and vaccine supply on the date/time of each clinic.

Hampton campus
Tuesday, Aug. 17
3 - 6:30 p.m.
Hampton III Building, Room 746 (525 Butler Farm Rd.)
Register at:

Historic Triangle campus in Williamsburg
Wednesday, Aug. 18
3 - 6:30 p.m.
First Floor, Room 101 (4601 Opportunity Way)
Register at:

Those unable to attend the Aug. 17 and Aug. 18 vaccine clinics may visit the Vaccinate Virginia website for additional free COVID-19 vaccination locations, many of which are located at regional or local health department facilities on a rotating schedule.