Library at Hampton Campus Reopens

Image for Library at Hampton Campus Reopens

Classrooms weren't the only places Thomas Nelson students, faculty and staff were recently welcomed back with open arms. The library at the Hampton campus, which had been closed since a portion of the roof on Templin Hall collapsed April 5, reopened Aug. 30.

"We're excited to have them come back," librarian Corey Buttram said.

The in-person hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, and 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday. The staff is teleworking on Fridays, so online help is an option then.

Student access to the stacks is restricted, but the librarians can retrieve books from the stacks and are available for research help and assistance with technology.

"Anybody that needs access to the collection can place a request online, and we will pull it," Buttram said. "We have access to the stacks for students if they put in any requests, faculty too."

In addition, she said, computers and study space are available.

"We're still checking out laptops and hotspots to students," she said, adding students can use the printers in the library even though their personal computers.

The librarians offer assistance in a number of ways, including getting students familiar with Canvas, and making them aware of other online tools available at the College.

"We've worked with a few students regarding some of their online course packs," noted Mary Hanlin, another librarian. "If they are having trouble with that, we will sit down with them if we need to. We'll call the publisher."

She noted a library often offers key support for students.

"It plays a critical role for the people that need it in terms of whatever success they're aiming to achieve, whether that's just basic understanding of how to use a computer or succeeding within their curriculum," Hanlin said.

But a library is about more than checking out books or magazines. Buttram and Hanlin are asked all sorts of questions, from how to add and drop classes to financial aid, and more.

"Our students tend to come here because they know that they can ask us pretty much anything and we'll figure it out for them," Buttram said.

For the questions that fall outside their area of expertise, Buttram, Hanlin and the rest of the staff still can help the students.

"We'll send them to the right department or we'll find out who the right person to talk to is or the right phone number to call, whatever it is," Buttram said.

Added Hanlin: "I think overall we have a tone of support."

And, again, it is not just for students.

"Faculty can send their students here for help, research assistance, citations, technology, all those things," Buttram said. "It wouldn't be bad to see a faculty member in here; haven't seen many of their faces, either."

Buttram and Hanlin hope the library will be fully open later in the semester, but it all depends on the construction at Templin Hall. The first week was a little slow, but they expect more students as the semester goes on, especially during exams, which usually is their busiest time of the semester. In-person tutoring is not yet available, but they hope that too will be back soon.

"We want to see students," Hanlin said.

A complete list of library hours, including at the Historic Triangle campus, can be found at