Local Paper Highlights Board's Recommendation on New Name

Image for Local Paper Highlights Board's Recommendation on New Name

HAMPTON - For board members deciding on options to rename Thomas Nelson Community College, it came down to three contenders - Virginia Peninsula, Harbor Bridge and Two Rivers.

One Thomas Nelson Local College Board member said when he Googled "Virginia Peninsula," the first thing that came up was the regional jail.

Another said she didn't care for the name Two Rivers, partly because another school had considered it, but mainly because the two rivers - York and James - don't touch every Peninsula locality. Another said the name Harbor Bridge reminded him of the too much of the harbor and bridge-tunnel.

As the board at the Hampton campus hashed out which name best represented the school, its mission and was easiest to market, three names quickly went down to one, with members voting Wednesday in favor of Virginia Peninsula Community College as its recommended choice. That pick now goes to the State Board for Community Colleges, which is expected to vote to rename the 54-year-old institution later this month.

"I would be happy to stand behind either of those names says college president," says Towuanna Porter Brannon, referring to Virginia Peninsula and Two Rivers, "Both of them are pretty inclusive. Both of those names are about our mission."

A majority of the local board felt the name Virginia Peninsula was inclusive all in the community the school serves, would make more sense to people from outside the area looking for a school and reflective of this region.

Read more in the Daily Press.