November Events Numerous, Varied

Image for November Events Numerous, Varied

It's setting up to be a busy November at Thomas Nelson, with a distinct nod to the College's military community among the many scheduled events.

One of the busiest days of the month will be Nov. 11, Veterans Day, with events at campuses in Hampton and the Historic Triangle in Williamsburg. There will be in-person and virtual components, with the live opening ceremonies set for noon at the Peninsula Workforce Development Center on the Hampton campus. Part of the opening ceremonies, which will be streamed live and available at the Williamsburg campus, is a panel discussion featuring Thomas Nelson veterans. It will be facilitated by Marc Vernon, the financial aid director of Veterans Affairs at the College. A Thomas Nelson student affiliated with the military will put on a spoken word performance. Pre-registration is required to attend the event in-person at the PWDC, which includes a boxed lunch from Subway.

At 1 p.m. at each campus will be the annual Walk in our Socks event. Those at the Williamsburg campus will meet in the first floor lobby. In Hampton, the start will be at the PWDC. The walks usually take participants on a 10-15-minute tour of the campus. Registration for the walks will be on site, beginning at 12:45 p.m.

Following the walk at the Hampton campus will be the grand opening of the new Veterans Services Center, which is relocating from Room 230 to Room 253 in Wythe Hall.

Later in the day, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., there is a Workforce Business Leaders Reception at the PWDC. Speakers for the reception are Angel Rich, founder and CEO of The Wealth Factory; Blair Durham, co-founder and president of Black Brand; Jus Jon, a national recording artist who was on "The Voice;" and Johnny Garcia, CEO of SimIS, an IT services business.

Staying with the military theme is the fourth annual Veterans Art Show. Any artist, sculptor or photographer affiliated with the military is invited to submit work. The deadline for entries is Oct. 31. Artists may submit one or more pieces via email to with the subject line "Art Show." Veterans Services Coordinator Kathy Carbaugh, who is also an artist, has received artwork, and numerous inquiries via email. She hopes to display about 10-15 pieces of work. They will be on display Nov. 8-9 at the Historic Triangle campus, Nov. 10-11 at the PWDC, and from Nov. 12-29 in the Veterans Services Center's new office. Students can pick up their artwork beginning Nov. 29. However, Carbaugh is going to take pictures of all the pieces and for an online exhibition.

Events for the month get underway Nov. 5 with a State of the College address by President Dr. Towuanna Porter Brannon at the PWDC. Among her topics is the success of the College's Finish Line initiative, which already has prompted more than 100 students to return to the College to finish their certificate or degree program.

On Saturday, Nov. 13, the annual volksmarch event will take place 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hampton campus. The start point will be in Parking Lot 11, which is across the footbridge and through the woods from the PWDC. There are three options, 1-mile, 5k and 10k. The route will take participants along Butler Farm Road to the Hamptons Golf Course, along the Madison Trail, and back to the College via Butler Farm Road. There is no entry fee, but those who want to join a volksmarch club or have their distance recorded, are asked to pay $3. Also, T-shirts are available for $20, with the proceeds going to scholarships for military-affiliated students.

Other events in November:

Nov. 8-10: Pop-up Clothes Closet at Wythe Hall Gallery. Drop-off of donations is scheduled for 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 8. The "closet" opens to shoppers 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Nov. 9, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 10.

Nov. 12-14: Diamond University conference at the Holiday Inn City Center. Thomas Nelson is offering nine continuing education credits to more than 200 business leaders expected to be in attendance. Students, faculty and staff will receive a link to attend the event virtually. For more details, go to

Nov. 19: 6-8 p.m.: Holiday drive-thru event at Hampton campus. It will be similar to the drive-thru events of the past. This year's theme is the Virginia Peninsula. Look for details, including registration information, in an upcoming email.

Nov. 25-28: Thanksgiving break.