Safety Tips for Holiday Road Trips, Sound Advice

The holiday season is here and with it comes increasingly busy roadways. Thomas Nelson Police advise everyone to be mindful of actions that will make for safer road trips. Drivers can protect themselves and their passengers by taking a few simple precautions.

Check out these tips:

  • Make sure your vehicle is tuned up and in good condition for travel before heading out.

  • Use seat belts and child safety seats. The rear seat is the safest place for children to ride.

  • Be flexible in setting your travel plans. Leave early if you can to avoid the peak traffic hours.

  • Stay fresh and alert when driving. Take breaks and do not push yourself to meet an unrealistic schedule. If you get tired, pull off of the road into a rest area or business, get out of the car for some fresh air, buy something to refresh you or simply relax until you feel revived. If that doesn't work, find lodging and spend the night.

  • Follow the speed limit. Maintain time and proper distance to react to the traffic around you. Let impatient and aggressive drivers pass you or go through the intersection ahead of you so that you control the situation.

  • Do not pass if you cannot see enough clear road to pass safely.

  • Choose a designated driver if you plan to consume alcoholic beverages during gatherings.

  • Observe hands-free laws on cell phone use while driving, or pull off of the road if you have to use your cell phone.

Thomas Nelson Police Chief Kelvin Maxwell and team extend best wishes for a safe and enjoyable holiday.