Student Forum with President Set for Dec. 3

Image for Student Forum with President Set for Dec. 3

Thomas Nelson's Student Government Association exists to give students a voice regarding all aspects of their college experience. However, for the organization to be successful, the students need College officials to hear them.

That is exactly what President Towuanna Porter Brannon is doing with her inaugural student forum set for Dec. 3 via Zoom. The meeting starts at 12:30 p.m., with Brannon, who is nearing her first year as president, joining at 1 p.m.

Kadisia Archer, the College's Student Life and Leadership coordinator, said previous presidents had student forums, often once a semester at each campus. Brannon was interested in continuing the practice, but this year's will be entirely online.

"That's an opportunity for the students to meet and see the college president and share their feedback, both positive and negative experiences at the college," Archer said.

The SGA is sponsoring the event, with club president Z. Cherry serving as host.

For more information about the forum, students may check their College email and Canvas.