Meet Presidential Ambassador Priya Patel

Image for Meet Presidential Ambassador Priya Patel

Priya Patel is among four students participating in the College's Presidential Ambassador Program for 2021-2022. She serves as an ambassador at the Hampton campus.

Students in the Presidential Ambassadors program commit to assist the College for 10 months by participating in events and working in various roles on campus. The program greatly benefits participants.

It provides a $1,000 monetary incentive and allows students to connect with their peers at events, which often leads to building friendships, according to Michelle Manfred, program coordinator. Participants also receive mentorship from College leaders. Here, Patel shares little about herself and her time at the College.

When did you enroll at Thomas Nelson? This is my second year at TNCC. I graduated high school in June of 2020.

What is your major and why did you select that discipline? I am majoring in science. I chose science because that is what I have been interested in since high school.

Why did you select Thomas Nelson? I chose TNCC because it was the best option for me at the moment … when I decided to come to TNCC we were in the middle of a pandemic, and I thought it was a better option financially and it was close to home.

What inspires you in your pursuit of higher education? My parents inspire me in your pursuit of higher education because I am the first generation to go to college.

What are your academic and career goals in the next five years? In the next five years, I would like to have my bachelor's degree and continue my education to get a master's.

Would you recommend the College to someone else? If so, why? I would definitely recommend TNCC to everyone because it has resources for all forms of education and people who really want to succeed.

What clubs or activities are you involved with at the College and in your community? I am in TRiO and (the) PTK honor society.

Manfred has high praise for Patel.

What made Priya Patel a good selectee for the program? Priya appears to be a very determined student. She has already planned out her (educational) goals which will lead to graduate school. She balances 14 credit hours along with recently completing a Workforce (Development) course. Priya also works a part-time job.

What are your thoughts about her service thus far in the program? Priya volunteers for everything and is so dependable. She is self-directed and can jump into tasks and events with minimal supervision.