
Ambition Fueling Joyner’s Higher Ed Journey

Ambition Fueling Joyner’s Higher Ed Journey

VPCC alumna Narealis Joyner



When Narealis Joyner stepped onto Virginia Peninsula Community College’s campus in 2021, she had a solid plan to weave her passion for business, law, and international studies into a rewarding career.

Here, the Hampton High School graduate, who was in the International Baccalaureate program, shares details about herself and gives insight into her experience at the College.

When did you enroll at Virginia Peninsula? I enrolled at Virginia Peninsula Community College in the summer of 2021. However, I didn’t start to take classes full time until the fall 2022 semester.

From which high school did you graduate? I was an IB student and graduated from Hampton High School.

What is your major? I am currently a business administration major

Why did you select that major? I have always wanted to step into the business world. My father owns a business and it’s been a path I’ve wanted to travel down for a while now.

Why did you choose Virginia Peninsula? Virginia Peninsula is close to my house. It allowed me to take care of my siblings and provide support while pursuing my college education.

What inspires you as you pursue higher education? My drive to succeed fuels my inspiration. The constant quest for knowledge, the connections forged with everyone I meet, and the journey I’m on motivate me to keep pushing toward my goals. 

How is VPCC helping you work toward your goals? Being at Virginia Peninsula Community College has given me the best foundation. I’ve met so many people and experienced so many things I would have never gotten to do or experienced had I have not come to Virgina Peninsula. I’m extremely grateful for the experience. 

What are your academic and career goals for the next five years? I want to attend William & Mary to double major in business administration (finance)/ pre-law while minoring in Japanese studies. I want to study abroad in Japan for an academic year then graduate and work for two years to fully support myself before applying to law school and going for my MBA.

Would you recommend Virginia Peninsula to someone else? Why? I would and I have. I have roped my wonderful sister into coming to VPCC so she can receive the same help and care that I have gotten from the administration and advisers. It was also so we could both save money and stay close to home while we figured out our next steps and got our degree. I plan to do the same with my two younger brothers when they are ready for community college. I’d recommend the same to anyone looking to obtain their degree and aren’t quite ready to commit to a university.

What clubs or activities are you involved with at Virginia Peninsula and in your community? I am a part of TRiO support services. I am also looking to get involved with the international club.

What impact does participation in these clubs/organizations have on you particularly as you continue your college education? They are my social outlets. As a full-time student with a part-time job, I love hanging out with these amazing people and going to events with them, from workshops to trips and events. They are great places to make friends and meet other people on the same path as me.

Are there any faculty members you want to mention for their influence and support? I want to highlight Dr. Monette Dutch and Natasha Woods in the TRiO office. They have been an amazing support system on this journey. And Mr. (Anthony) Fotinos for having the best public speaking class. I also want to highlight Mrs. (Michelle) Manfred, who has helped me since the moment she met me and has paved the way for more doors to be opened to me. They are all amazing members of our faculty here.

NOTE: Narealis Joyner graduated from VPCC and transferred to the College of William & Mary.