
Meet 2023-24 Presidential Ambassador Nolan Healy

Meet 2023-24 Presidential Ambassador Nolan Healy

Presidential ambassador Nolan Healy



Looking to challenge his problem-solving skills and stay at the forefront of technological advancements in the modern workforce, Nolan Healy is majoring in computer science at Virginia Peninsula Community College. He enrolled in January 2023 and is among four students serving as Presidential Ambassadors this academic year.

Participants in the Presidential Ambassadors program commit to 10 months of assisting the College. They volunteer at events and in various roles on campus as part of service. Each receives a $1,000 incentive and mentoring by VPCC leaders, Program Coordinator Michelle Manfred explained.

Here, the graduate of California’s Lancaster Baptist High School shares insight into his student experience at the College.

Why did you choose Virginia Peninsula Community College? VPCC offered me the best opportunity and flexibility to plan my career transition and map out my career path.

What inspires you in your pursuit of higher education? My grandfather inspires me to finish and be successful. As well as my Native American heritage.

How is your experience at Virginia Peninsula helping you as you work toward your goal? VPCC is helping me network and build good habits.

What are your academic and career goals over the next five years? I plan to get my degree and pursue career certificates in cyber security. As well as pursuing my graduate degree in cyber security. I plan to be working or intern as I continue my education. 

Would you recommend VPCC to someone else? Yes, I would, due to the school’s flexibility and eagerness to help their students and community members. VPCC offers an opportunity to set goals and excel academically.

What clubs or activities are you involved with at the College and in your community? TRiO and Presidential Ambassador program.

What impact does participation in these clubs or organizations have on you particularly as you continue your college education? TRiO advisors are more personal and involved with their students as they want to support their students as much as possible. The advisors with TRiO will take a personal interest in their students and help map out an academic and career plan.

Manfred is pleased to have Healy among participants this year and speaks highly of him.

“He was one of the first applicants to reach out to me about the program,” she noted. “I was impressed with his maturity and professionalism. What I find interesting about him is his connection with his Native American heritage and that he served as a Marine.”