
Meet Presidential Ambassador Kayla Greene

Meet Presidential Ambassador Kayla Greene

VPCC Alumna Kayla Green



When Kayla Greene enrolled at Virginia Peninsula Community College in February 2022, she chose the perfect major and sought leadership opportunities. The College’s Presidential Ambassador program was the ticket. The business administration major is among four students serving as Presidential Ambassadors for 2022-2023.

Participants commit to assisting the College for 10 months by volunteering at events and in various roles on campus. Each receives a $1,000 incentive and is mentored by the College leaders, according to Program Coordinator Michelle Manfred.

Greene, a graduate of Oklahoma’s Altus High School, sheds light on her student experiences at the College and shares a little about herself.

Why did you select that major? 
I choose business administration because I want to pursue a career in marketing along with becoming an entrepreneur.

Why did you choose Virginia Peninsula Community College?
Virginia Peninsula has many resources for anyone who wants to pursue a career in any field. To add to that, this college has amazing teachers who genuinely want to see the students succeed.

What inspires you in your pursuit of higher education?
My mom inspires me because seeing firsthand how strong, smart, and brave of an independent businesswoman she is inspires me.

How is your experience at VPCC helping you as you work toward your goal?
Virginia Peninsula has provided me with a lot of resources that will allow me to grow as an individual. This school has also introduced me to the workforce where I am currently obtaining my medical coding and billing license alongside my degree.

What are your academic and career goals over the next five years?
Within the next five years, I should have my bachelor’s degree in business along with my license in medical coding. I will probably be interning in different marketing positions along with putting my medical coding license into effect.

Would you recommend Virginia Peninsula Community College?
Yes, I would recommend Virginia Peninsula to anyone else who is interested because everyone here is so supportive and friendly no matter what background you come from or what dreams and passions you have.

What clubs or activities are you involved with at the College and in your community?
In addition to the Presidential Ambassador program, I am currently involved in the K-pop dance club.

What impact does participation in these clubs/organizations have on you particularly as you continue your college education?
Being part of the presidential ambassador program allows me to branch out and meet new people along with being able to help anyone that may need it. I also get to speak at certain events which prepares me for my future career in business since it involves a lot of speaking in front of a lot of people.

Are there any faculty members you want to mention for their contribution to your experiences at the College?
I would like to thank Michelle Manfred for allowing me this opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful program that helps students.