Professor Stephanie Barnett noticed Jarrin Proctor’s drive to learn and desire to change his world on their first day together in developmental English. She quickly noticed something else, though.
“Jarrin soon became a leader in the class,” she said. “In group work, it was very obvious that his peers listened and respected him. In class discussions, he was not silent.”
Proctor spent just nearly two years at Virginia Peninsula Community College before he transferred. He has a degree from Nash Community College in North Carolina, and is enrolled at Midwestern University in Glendale, Ariz., studying to become a physician’s assistant.
That’s no surprise to Barnett.
“He was a CNA on a psych ward and started classes with the desire to heal as an RN,” she said. “I know he will achieve his dreams. However, as time moves forward and his knowledge grows, his dreams will evolve – just as Jarrin has evolved from his first day of classes.”
Here’s a closer look at Proctor’s time at the College:
When did you enroll at Virginia Peninsula Community College? I started VPCC in 2019, before the pandemic. (His last semester was spring 2021).
What is your major? My current major is physician’s assistant.
Why did you select that major? I selected this major due to the increasing need for physician’s assistants and medical staff.
Why did you choose VPCC? I chose VPCC to further my educational goals in the medical field.
What inspires you in your pursuit of higher education? My pursuit of higher education is due to my eagerness to advance and accomplish my goals with a better education and better job.
How has your experience at VPCC helped you as you work toward your goals? My experience was exceptional. I met great teachers and worked alongside even better counterparts during group assignments.
What are your academic and career goals over the next five years? I plan to not only finish my degree, but also pursue private practice after I have been in the field for a while.
Would you recommend the College? I would not only recommend VPCC, but urge those who have the same fire to learn and grow in their careers to not only attend but learn all that they can to further themselves throughout that journey of higher education.
Are there any faculty members you want to mention for their extraordinary contribution(s) to your experiences at Virginia Peninsula? The best teacher and mentor I could ever ask for was Dr. Stephanie Barnett.