Business Administration Associate of Science

Business Administration Associate of Science

Virginia Peninsula Community College’s Associate of Science in Business Administration program is the first step to pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Business. If you complete our program with a qualifying grade point average, you will benefit from special admissions agreements that we have with more than 30 Virginia colleges and universities.


Virginia Residents Out of State Rate
$169.60 per credit hour $384.20 per credit hour

Students who earn the degree can pursue careers in accounting, economics, business administration, international business, health services management, management information, and more. Students should consult with an academic advisor to ensure any changes in the recommended courses will satisfy four-year college or university requirements.

Admission Requirements: Students should be proficient in basic keyboarding before entering this program.

Students enrolled in this two-year transfer program may also be eligible for Passport Course or Uniform Certificate of General Studies consideration. Please review the link provided for more information and meet with your advisor for details.


VPCC Business Program Success Stories:


Credential: Associate of Science
Academic Division Arts, Business, Humanities, and Social Science
Credit/Non-Credit: Credit
Type: Transfer Program

Tuition Assistance: Yes

Financial Aid: Yes

Online Program