The Liberal Arts Associate of Arts Degree at Virginia Peninsula Community College is designed for students planning to transfer to a four-year institution to complete a Bachelor of Arts degree. Our program emphasizes communication, analytical, computational, and critical thinking skills, providing versatility in an ever-expanding global job market. By exposing students to a variety of academic disciplines, the Liberal Arts program seeks to foster an appreciation of many areas of knowledge and to lay the foundation for students to become life-long learners.
Virginia Residents | Out of State Rate | |
$169.60 per credit hour | $384.20 per credit hour |
Students who complete Virginia Peninsula’s Liberal Arts program transfer and enroll at four-year institutions. Students who earn bachelor’s degree often pursue careers in:
World Language Competency: A core requirement for majors in the liberal arts programs at Virginia Peninsula and at most four-year schools is competency in a world language through the 200 level. Liberal Arts students are strongly encouraged to enroll in a world language in their first semester and to complete all required world language courses before transfer. Students who completed two or more years of world language in high school may be eligible for advanced course placement at Virginia Peninsula. Please check with your Academic Advisor.
Students enrolled in this two-year transfer program may also be eligible for Passport Courses or Uniform Certificate of General Studies consideration.
Tuition Assistance: Yes
Financial Aid: Yes
Online Program