
  • Basketball Player Williams on His Own Journey

    Basketball Player Williams on His Own Journey

    Despite having a well-known rapper as a father, Tekomin Williams didn’t follow that path. “That’s just not me,” said Williams, who is in his third year on the Virginia Peninsula…

  • Holmes Enjoying Impactful Career After VPCC Beginnings

    Holmes Enjoying Impactful Career After VPCC Beginnings

    Community college education provides a solid foundation for success. Anyone who knows Rebecca Holmes will confirm she is living proof. Today, she enjoys an impactful career with the Colorado Department…

  • VPCC Educational Foundation Holds Appreciation Reception

    VPCC Educational Foundation Holds Appreciation Reception

    Nearly 100 people, including scholarship donors and recipients, attended the Virginia Peninsula Community College Educational Foundation’s annual appreciation reception on Nov. 14 at the Holiday Inn Newport News. Tracy Ashley,…

  • Chopra Continues Legacy of Learning at VPCC

    Chopra Continues Legacy of Learning at VPCC

    The story of personal success and higher education is about the family of Samar Chopra. A Virginia Peninsula Community College alumnus, he embraced the opportunities community college affords at the…

  • Angela Jackson Recognized For 44 Years of Service

    Angela Jackson Recognized For 44 Years of Service

    Angela Jackson has been involved with Virginia Peninsula Community College for 44 years, beginning in 1979. She started as a student, then became a full-time employee, but made her mark…

  • Giles’ Rewarding Social Services Career Jump-started at VPCC

    Giles’ Rewarding Social Services Career Jump-started at VPCC

    When Angela Giles graduated from New Jersey’s Northern Burlington County Regional High School, she had no idea her path would lead to Virginia Peninsula Community College. Growing up as a…

  • Educator Turned VPCC Grad Aiming High

    Educator Turned VPCC Grad Aiming High

    Recent years saw healthcare professionals in the limelight celebrated as heroes. Working late nights and early mornings, they are still heroes to many, and Virginia Peninsula Community College’s LeRon Lewis…

  • PreK Teacher and Sister Got Foundation at VPCC

    PreK Teacher and Sister Got Foundation at VPCC

    Jailyn and Madison Baker are as different as pickles and plums. Sisters, they are 10 years apart and have different tastes in practically everything. Born in Louisiana and Oklahoma, respectively,…

  • VPCC Pivotal in Rose’s Video Storyteller Career

    VPCC Pivotal in Rose’s Video Storyteller Career

    Amy Rose is making her mark through creative storytelling as a videographer for Hampton City Schools. She credits Virginia Peninsula Community College for helping her cement a career in video…

  • Griffin, Wythe Halls to be Renamed Kecoughtan Hall

    Griffin, Wythe Halls to be Renamed Kecoughtan Hall

    Virginia Peninsula Community College is renaming Griffin and Wythe halls, which are connected and function as one building, to Kecoughtan Hall. The name is a tribute to the Kecoughtan tribe,…