VPCC Hosts LEAD Event
Virginia Peninsula Community College was a co-host for the LEAD Peninsula Education and Workforce Development Day on Dec. 11. The day began with participants meeting at the College’s Workforce Center,…
VPCC Signs Transfer Agreement With GMU
Dr. Towuanna Porter Brannon has noticed in her higher education experience that community college students don’t always have a seamless transition to a four-year institution. As president of Virginia Peninsula…
Study Session
WANT BETTER GRADES AND FREE FOOD? Join our study sessions with expert tutors! 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Fridays Kecoughtan Hall Gallery Sponsored by the Office of Student Life and…
VPCC Adding Degree with Maxey as New Education Program Chair
Virginia Peninsula Community College’s Dr. Marseillaise Maxey is on a mission to help shape the next generation of educators. As the new chair of VPCC’s education department, he is leading…
DHRM Safety Symposium
WHO: Invited State Agencies WHAT: DHRM Safety Symposium WHEN: 12/10/2024 from 9am-4pm WHERE: PWDC 1301-1303 SPONSORED BY: VPCC Workforce POC: Michael Smith
Study Session
WANT BETTER GRADES AND FREE FOOD? Join our study sessions with expert tutors! 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Fridays Kecoughtan Hall Gallery Sponsored by the Office of Student Life and…
Tea with Dr. B
President’s Leadership Series Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024 4 p.m. Hampton IV, Room 4136 521 Butler Farm Road, Hampton, VA 23666 Love, Hurt and Healing Join us for a panel discussion…
SGA Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting: https://vccs.zoom.us/j/81697732476?pwd=QUJHYndxZjBvcWxFWm9CT1U0bzJJZz09 Meeting ID: 816 9773 2476 Passcode: 840867
College Board’s CISS Committee Meets
The Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Services Committee of Virginia Peninsula Community College’s Local Board will meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9, at the Hampton Campus. Convening in room 4226 of…