
  • SGA Meeting

    SGA Meeting

    Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 816 9773 2476 Passcode: 840867

  • Meet Presidential Ambassador Melissa Wrona

    Meet Presidential Ambassador Melissa Wrona

    When Melissa “Mel” Wrona enrolled at Virginia Peninsula Community College in the fall of 2023, she knew she made the right choice with her major. She was also eager to…

  • Meet Presidential Ambassador Gianella Loten

    Meet Presidential Ambassador Gianella Loten

    Gianella Loten began her higher education journey at Virginia Peninsula Community College in the fall of 2022. She is among four students serving as Presidential Ambassadors for the 2023-2024 academic year.…

  • SGA President Enjoying Role

    SGA President Enjoying Role

    Tiye’ Smith’s ascension to Student Government Association president from vice president was typical. The way it happened wasn’t. In spring 2023, she was appointed the governing body’s vice president shortly…

  • New Student Government Officers Up to the Task

    New Student Government Officers Up to the Task

    The new president and vice president of Virginia Peninsula’s Student Government Association couldn’t be more different. What they have in common, though, is the goal of making the most out…